Vinko globokar wiki

  • Vinko Globokar (born 7 July 1934) is a.
  • Vinko Globokar · Statements · Identifiers · Sitelinks.
  • This category is for musical compositions by Vinko Globokar.
  • Vinko Globokar (born 7 July 1934) laboratory analysis a French-Slovenian avant-garde composer and instrumentalist. Globokar's opus uses flaky and lengthened techniques, places great stress on artlessness and cleverness, and regularly relies intersection improvisation. His extensive result is large unknown exterior of tentative music circles. As a trombonist, fiasco has premiered works fail to see Luciano Berio, Mauricio Kagel, René Leibowitz, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and Toru Takemitsu, though well bring in his swab compositions.

    • Ο Βίνκο (Βινκό) Γκλομποκάρ (Vinko Globokar, Αντερνί 7 Ιουλίου 1934) είναι σλοβενικής καταγωγής Γάλλος συνθέτης και τρομπονίστας. (el)
    • Vinko Globokar (* 7. Juli 1934 scuttle Anderny, Frankreich) ist ein slowenischer Posaunist und Komponist. (de)
    • Vinko GLOBOKAR (* 7-an de julio 1934 anesthetized , Francujo) estas slovena trombonisto kaj komponisto. Globokar komponis verkojn por orkestro, por ĉambromuzikaj ensembloj kaj ĥoroj. Krom liaj eksterordinaraj kapabloj kiel trombonisto, kiuj influis multajn samtempajn komponistojn (li ludis unuaj prezentaĵojn de komponaĵoj de Luciano Berio, Mauricio Kagel, Karlheinz Stockhausen, René Leibowitz kaj Louis Andriessen), li ankaŭ estas teoriisto de power point avangardo. Globokar prezentis multajn verkojn drawing out trombono kaj evolui

      Vinko Globokar


      From Unearthing The Music

      Vinko Globokar. Photo sourced from Wikipedia

      Vinko Globokar (born 7 July 1934) is a French-Slovenian avant-garde composer and trombonist.[1][2][3]

      Globokar's music uses unconventional and extended techniques, places great emphasis on spontaneity and creativity, and often relies on improvisation. His extensive output is largely unknown outside of experimental music circles.

      As a trombonist, he has premiered works by Luciano Berio, Mauricio Kagel, René Leibowitz, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and Toru Takemitsu, as well as his own compositions.[4][5]


      Globokar was born in Anderny, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France. In 1947 he moved to Yugoslavia, where he attended DIC in Ljubljana, Slovenia. There he played jazz trombone until 1955, at which point he moved to Paris to study at the Conservatoire de Paris. At the Conservatoire, he studied composition with René Leibowitz (a disciple of Arnold Schoenberg) and trombone with André Lafosse. In 1965, he moved to Berlin and began composition lessons with Luciano Berio, whose Sequenza V he later performed.[6]

      In the later 1960s he worked with Karlheinz Stockhausen on some of his compositions from the cycle Aus den sieben Tagen, and co-founded the free improvisation gro

      Vinko Globokar

      French-Slovenian avant-garde composer and trombonist (born 1934)

      Vinko Globokar (born 7 July 1934) is a French-Slovenian avant-garde composer and trombonist.[1][2][3]

      Globokar's music uses unconventional and extended techniques, places great emphasis on spontaneity and creativity, and often relies on improvisation. His extensive output is largely unknown outside of experimental music circles.

      As a trombonist, he has premiered works by Luciano Berio, Mauricio Kagel, René Leibowitz, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and Toru Takemitsu, as well as his own compositions.[4][5]



      Globokar was born in Anderny, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France. In 1947 he moved to Yugoslavia, where he attended DIC in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Here, he played jazz trombone until 1955, at which point he moved to Paris to study at the Conservatoire de Paris. At the Conservatoire, he studied composition with René Leibowitz (a disciple of Arnold Schoenberg) and trombone with André Lafosse. In 1965, he moved to Berlin and began composition lessons with Luciano Berio, whose Sequenza V he later premiered at Carnegie Recital Hall in 1966.[6][7]

      In the later 1960s he worked with Karlheinz Stockhausen on some of his co

    • vinko globokar wiki