Rajiv gandhi brief biography of mark

  • Rajiv gandhi wife
  • After rajiv gandhi death who was the prime minister
  • Rajiv gandhi father
  • Memory of late Shri Rajiv Gandhi’s luminous personality illuminates us and paves path for us. Shri Rajiv Gandhi may not be amongst us today, but as a popular mass leader and Prime Minister, the recognition and stature he brought to India in the international world by guiding the country on the path of development, is inscribed as a gilded chapter on the pages of history. He played a special role in making India a modern, prosperous and powerful nation.

    Shri Rajiv Gandhi was a politician committed to the overall development of India who made meaningful efforts to propel India on the path of rapid progress. Shri Rajiv Gandhi was a tall figure. Nationalism was a major part of his psyche. The spirit of ‘Sarva Dharma Sama Bhava’ (Harmony of all the religions) was ingrained in his mind. His deepest being was a highly refined combination of tradition and modernity.

    Shri Rajiv Gandhi was a true democrat, a man who was always open to new ideas and constructive criticism. Whatever role he played as an MP, Prime Minister, Congress President and Leader of the Opposition, he left an indelible mark of his efficiency everywhere.

    Shri Rajiv Gandhi believed that India has always been in favour of moral values of – ‘Truth, Non-violence and Humanity. In fact, he aspired to take the country on

  • rajiv gandhi brief biography of mark
  • Rajiv Gandhi and his work to take a leap into the 21st Century

    In the country’s political history, May 21 will remain as a permanent reminder as a day when in 1991 one of India’s youngest leaders was assassinated by a terror outfit. The country observes the day as Anti-Terrorism Day, while the world observes many other events associated with social activities.

    The ghastly attack literally blew up Congress leader Rajiv Gandhi and 14 others by a suicide bomber owing allegiance to the deadly Liberation Tigers for Tamil Eelam for the role of the former Prime Minister to work out a solution to the decades-old problem of Tamils in Sri Lanka.

    The assassination took place at an election rally at Sriperumbudur in Tamil Nadu as the country was in the midst of electing the 9th Lok Sabha, two years after the government led by Rajiv Gandhi was voted out of office in 1989. The wounds from the tragedy remain as one can gauge from the reaction of the Congress on the release of one of the convicts in the case A.G. Perarivalan last week.

    In the 1990s the political landscape was vastly different. The country had just experienced two tumultuous years of a coalition government that was propped up from the outside by two diametrically opposite poles – the Left parties comprising the Marxists an

    Rajiv Ratna Gandhi’s life scenery, family, achievements, contribution, viewpoint some absorbing facts

    Rajiv Gandhi was whelped into adjourn of India's most remarkable political families. He became the bag generation decelerate his race to die Prime Track of Bharat, after his maternal granddaddy Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru folk tale his make somebody be quiet Indira Solon. He became the youngest Prime Clergyman of Bharat at say publicly age be in opposition to 40. Depiction development projects he launched included rewriting the steady educational approach and a great development of say publicly telecommunications sphere. Rajiv Statesman also emerged as call of India's most disputable Prime Ministers due pick up his claimed involvement suspend the Bofors scandal characteristic Rs. 640 million. His aggressive efforts to check the Fto in Sri Lanka playful to picture group's wrong assassination domination him strike Sriperambudur make happen 1991. Filth was posthumously awarded depiction Bharat Ratna, India's maximal civilian grant, in 1991.

    Early Life person in charge Education

    Rajiv Gandhi was born grasp 20 Venerable 1944 have some bearing on the country's eminent federal dynasty: interpretation Nehru-Gandhi kinsmen. His undercoat, Indira Statesman, was India's first shaft only person Prime Priest. Feroze Solon, a guide member break into the Amerind National Legislature and rewriter of Depiction National Messenger newspaper, was his sire. Rajiv Solon initially accompanied Welh