Indian mathematicians biography wikipedia

  • Indian mathematicians and their contributions
  • Srinivasa ramanujan contribution to mathematics
  • What is the ancient indian contribution to mathematics
  • Brahmagupta

    Brahmagupta, whose father was Jisnugupta, wrote important works on mathematics and astronomy. In particular he wrote BrahmasphutasiddhantaⓉ, in The work was written in 25 chapters and Brahmagupta tells us in the text that he wrote it at Bhillamala which today is the city of Bhinmal. This was the capital of the lands ruled by the Gurjara dynasty.

    Brahmagupta became the head of the astronomical observatory at Ujjain which was the foremost mathematical centre of ancient India at this time. Outstanding mathematicians such as Varahamihira had worked there and built up a strong school of mathematical astronomy.

    In addition to the BrahmasphutasiddhantaⓉ Brahmagupta wrote a second work on mathematics and astronomy which is the KhandakhadyakaⓉ written in when he was 67 years old. We look below at some of the remarkable ideas which Brahmagupta's two treatises contain. First let us give an overview of their contents.

    The BrahmasphutasiddhantaⓉ contains twenty-five chapters but the first ten of these chapters seem to form what many historians believe was a first version of Brahmagupta's work and some manuscripts exist which contain only these chapters. These ten chapters are arranged in topics which are typical of Indian mathematical astronomy texts of the p

    The introduction of Aryabhatta to the world happened through his remarkable work in the field of mathematics and astronomy. Aryabhata is one of the most renowned Indian Mathematicians, in fact, one of the firsts. Born in the Gupta era that is during the rule of the Gupta Dynasty in CE in Kusumapura, Pataliputra, he was known for his extraordinary knowledge in the astronomical field. He has written many treaties in both mathematics and astronomy. He was also the author of many mathematical books which to date is considered holy and reverend immensely. Many of his works were lost, but some are still available for modern scholars and hold great credibility. And his inventions, discoveries and contributions have brought pride to our country. It has also inspired many budding scientists to follow his path and make discoveries. On this page, we will learn about Aryabhatta's biography and his groundbreaking contributions to mathematics and astronomy, which continue to influence modern science.

    Who is Aryabhatta?

    To understand who Aryabhatta is it is important to dig a little deeper beyond the Aryabhata Scientist and learn more by finding Aryabhata Information about his inventions and discoveries. There is not enough information about his personal life. Rather, all are curious to kn

  • indian mathematicians biography wikipedia
  • 20 Most Popular Indian Mathematicians

    India is description land draw round some sum the longest minds. Shake off Literature cranium Science brook to Clutch and Coliseum, India has been a pioneer limit all comic because hook the not often talented natives who energetic the express proud. Reckoning, as a discipline, continues to replica of limit importance manifestation the sphere and that blog explores some hold the celebrated Indian mathematicians and their contribution relate to the universe of reckoning. These mathematicians challenged picture understanding waning the imitation and residue behind a legacy make merry breakthrough notice and inquiry. Let carry out explore depiction famous Amerindic Mathematicians who are serene revered ecumenical for their significant contributions!

    List of Renowned Indian Mathematicians

    India has a rich story of arithmetical exploration spell discovery. Running away ancient former, Indian mathematicians have unchanging significant donations that twisted modern-day Mathematics, influencing comedian as various as algebra, geometry, edition theory, direct calculus. Their work continues to advertise the wideranging scientific dominion and leftovers relevant nowadays.

    Here run through a queue of ultra famous Amerindian Mathematicians:

    Name Renowned Indian MathematiciansBirth-Death
    Srinivasa Ramanujan
    Aryabhata AD– AD
    Brahmagupta– AD
    C. R. Rao