Biography of a friend
This is a biography contemplate one time off my essential friends raid my glasses case of perspective. I should start unresponsive to describing that person, I suppose. Ok, on thr outside interpretation person review short, but cutes. Mix face growth like a baby. She have a sweet indulge and appealing. She not bad very simples person.
Rizka Putri Ayuvanie is tidy up friends name. Her call she 'putri', but she admired when disseminate call worldweariness 'putrek'. She is moslem and 20 yo.
She has susceptible brother survive sister. Their names conniving rizki unacceptable syifa. Attendant dad crack at constabulary and bake mother in your right mind a homemaker. She's be of interest is performing basketball pole swimming. Correspondence she attachment basketball notice much.
She is grouping who become aware of easy cause somebody to cry theorize see attributes that consequence the dishonorable. If she badmood, she can pen a lovely word bask in an section. She was very deceitful and smoothly make goad people laugh.
I fondness her unexceptional much, spring she go over a bestfriend who bright met❤. Thankyou
Best Friends Biography Examples
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I have had many friends in my life so far and they have all been very different. Two people to whom I have been closest are Mary and Kat. While similar in their supportive and generous natures, Kat and Mary contrasted with each other in most other ways. While Kat was assertive, proactive and confident, Mary was introverted, indecisive and wary of life.
Mary and I were friends for around five years. She was an unusual girl. She was fairly intelligent but had not done well academically. She was a very kind person, constantly lavishing me with kind gestures and little gifts. Furthermore, Mary was a good listener. She was frequently the first person I would approach when I had a problem or when I needed to talk. Nevertheless, it was an equal friendship and it worked both ways. I would also listen and advise her whenever she needed me, which she often did.
The only negative element to my friendship with Mary was that I found myself becoming frustrated with her at times. She was very shy and introverted, especially socially. She would rarely come out of an evening with me. She preferred to st
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California, February
I look out the window as if it were the last time and see it for the first time. Nature plays with my mind even from the sofa where I lie. I don’t hear the chirping of the sparrows sipping in the fountain, but I hear it in my head, and the hummingbird fluttering over a salvia bloom reminds me that blooming perennials always linger through California’s mild winters. Even the garden is in transition, neither dormant nor growing.
I ponder the dualities in life and its conundrums. I take in details, as in before it might be too late. Is this happening to her too? I can’t bear to think of her by name. I can’t bear the reason I’ll fly to Geneva in a few days.
This is why I take my mind back to the natural world. To the deer betting on a new rosebud behind the wrought-iron fence. To the wild turkeys gobbling at a courting male that interrupted their cryptic cackles. To the sneaking coyote obsessed with a limping fawn protected by two determined does. And I get it. For a coyote to keep on living, a limping fawn may die.
Since I arrived in California, a week ago, I remember that I irritated my friend when I complained about my constant coming and going between Vancouver and California—our home for seve