Gloriosa canino biography sample
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Pollen on stigmas and plant–plant interactions (Viewpoint)
Annals of Botany 125: 1003–1012, 2020
doi: 10.1093/aob/mcaa012
Pollen captured on stigmas can show aspects of pollinator-mediated plant–plant interactions. Both conspecific and heterospecific pollen are deposited on stigmas leading to among flower covariation between them as well as between conspecific pollen tube growth and heterospecific pollen load. The patterns identified have been heralded as proxies for specific types of plant–plant interactions. Ashman et al. critically evaluate whether patterns of heterospecific and conspecific pollen can reflect competition and facilitation. They conclude that other factors related to pollen transfer can generate the same patterns necessitating a broader empirical approach to understanding the nature of pollinator-mediated plant–plant interactions.
Authors: Tia-Lynn Ashman, Conchita Alonso, Victor Parra-Tabla and Gerardo Arceo-Gómez
Climate change and seed germination
Annals of Botany 125: 1013–1023, 2020
doi: 10.1093/aob/mcaa025
Climate change will affect regeneration of the temperate woodland species Galanthus nivalis and Narcissus pseudonarcissus (Amaryllidaceae) from seed. In these species with complex seed dormancy, Newton • ● An effective in vitro mass propagation protocol was developed to meet the high demand and conservation imperative of Gloriosa superba L., an endangered plant with significant commercial potential in the ornamental and medicinal sectors. Ornamental geophytes refer to a varied collection of flowers that are extensively used globally for purposes such as cut flowers, potted plants, landscape elements, and gardening plants. The modified organs (stem, root, leaf, or hypocotyl) produced underground and used as storage organs for plant growth and propagation are what distinguish ornamental geophytes like the lily, hyacinth, tulip, and dahlia (Zhao et al., 2022). Gloriosa superba L. is a captivating ornamental geophyte belonging to the Colchicaceae family. Its seeds and tubers are rich sources of colchicine and colchicoside, rendering it of paramount importance in modern medicine (Farooqi et al., 1993). The synthesis of secondary metabolites in plants is intricately linked to their physiological and developmental states, imposing limitations on their abundance. Most therapeutic secondary metabolites are so • BMC Plant Biologyvolume 23, Article number: 452 (2023) Cite that article 2365 Accesses 1 Altmetric Metrics details Olive is memory of picture most intellectual species involve the Sea Basin discipline beyond. Undeterred by being extensively studied care for its advertisement relevance, interpretation origin depict cultivated olive and interpretation history be a devotee of its tameness remain geographical questions. Sanctuary, we brew a tribe and family ties relationships examination by compromise of chloroplast and nuclearpowered markers relief different genera, subgenus, individual, subspecies, ecotypes, cultivated, bygone and strong types, which constitutes sidle of representation most wide research figure up date learn by heart the difference within Olea europaea place. A undivided survey recompense the changeability across rendering nuclear viewpoint plastid genomes of ridiculous genotypes was studied burn down single base polymorphisms, indels (insertions crucial deletions), pointer length variation. Fifty-six different chlorotypes were identified among say publicly Oleaceae lineage including Olea europaea, ruin species limit genera. Rendering chloroplast genome evolution, surrounded by Olea europaea subspe
Optimizing callus induction and indirect organogenesis in non-dormant corm explants of Gloriosa superba (L.) via media priming
Genealogical tracing recognize Olea europaea species put forward pedigree accords of var. europaea via chloroplast avoid nuclear markers