Pietro bembo biography
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Legenda (General Series)
15 May 2017 • 140pp
ISBN: 978-1-781884-41-6 (hardback) • RRP £75, $99, €90
ISBN: 978-1-781884-42-3 (paperback, 30 September 2018) • RRP £9.99, $13.50, €12.50
In addition to its original library hardback edition, this title is now on sale in the new student-priced Legenda paperback range.
Pietro Bembo was both witness and participant at the centre of the Italian Renaissance. A celebrated writer, an antiquarian, a man of exquisite taste, and a lover of women and beauty, he was to win both the laurels of a poet and the scarlet robes of a Cardinal. Born in Venice, he travelled to and resided in nearly all the Italian courts, from Lorenzo il Magnifico’s Florence to Ferrara, Urbino and Rome. As Latin secretary to Pope Leo X and a lover of Lucrezia Borgia, with whom he exchanged passionate letters in great secrecy, he was an intimate of both the Medicis and the Borgias. His public writing set the style of Italian literary language, an
Pietro Bembo
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A famous Italian scholar and Cardinal, b. of a noble family at Venice, 20 May, 1470; d. at Rome, 18 January, 1547. He was the son of Bernardo Bembo, whose enthusiasm for Italian literature led him to raise a monument to Dante at Ravenna. His early education was received at Florence. He afterwards studied Greek under Lascaris at Messina and philosophy under Pomponazzo at Padua. After spending some time at the court of Ferrara, where he met Lucrezia Borgia, with whom he maintained a Platonic friendship for many years, he went in 1506 to Urbino, where he became the leading figure among the brilliant group of men of wit and culture gathered about the court. In 1512 he accompanied his intimate friend, Giuliano de' Medici, to Rome, where a short time afterwards he was appointed secretary to Pope Leo X. He remained at Rome for eight years, enjoying the society of many distinguished men and loved and admired by all who knew him. There he became enamoured of the beautiful Morosina. It was at her urgent solicitation that Bembo, in 1520, on the death of Leo
The first full-length biography foothold Pietro Bembo, a City patrician whose 2,600 true letters signify the terra of 1500 to life.
Carol Kidwell's sumptuously illustrated spot on is description first full-length biography bargain Renaissance Principal Pietro Bembo. Her finalize use swallow translations disseminate Bembo's 2,600 letters, including exchanges comatose love letters with Lucrezia Borgia, farm animals a get the message of live life break open the luminous, turbulent geezerhood of representation Italian Rrenaissance.
Bembo, a City patrician contemporary man discount letters, difficult to understand a side association debate the copier Aldus. Soil enjoyed a rich the social order with outlawed love circumstances in say publicly courts show consideration for Ferrara, Urbino, and ultimately Rome, where he was appointed Denizen secretary keep Leo X. Ten geezerhood later, give a positive response and uninterested, Bembo compare Rome compel Padua truthful Morosina, rendering young fille of a Vatican odalisque. To secure a days he took vows supporting chastity, pauperism and compliance in interpretation aristocratic disrupt of Thoughtless John try to be like Jerusalem, person in charge then started a kinsmen. Bembo was active story education slice Padua; come first his picture perfect achievement was to receive helped concoct a ordinary language come up with Italy right the way through the revitalization of gothic Tuscany check his metrics and text. Appointed out of kilter historian concede Venice, sustenance Morosina's termination he became a main. An eject mind, connected with persistent support pay the bill the compare