Biography deaf

  • Chronicles the "moments of truth" in Bob Davila's life as he grew up the son of a migrant farm laborer deafened at age 11 and having to navigate.
  • The Gallaudet University Library Guide to Deaf Biographies Database helps you to find more information about deaf people from different.
  • Get started finding library resources related to American Sign Language, the history of ASL, deaf culture, and deaf biographies.
  • Guide to Deaf Biographies


    This database is not current.  It was last updated in April, 2007, and there is no plan to update it again.  More recent biographical information is available through public search engines.

    This guide is based on the work of three former Gallaudet University librarians and Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC) staff.  Many years before the Internet existed Carolyn Jones created a deaf biographical database.  The database made it possible for researchers to find information that was otherwise buried in books and periodicals.  In the 1990s Thomas R. Harrington created a master index of multi-subject deaf biographies and merged it with Miss Jones’ information.  Through the 1990s and until 2007, he expanded and updated it as new works were published or discovered.   Jane Rutherford coded the information, and WRLC staff provided assistance and the use of the WRLC server.


    This work includes primarily deaf and notable hard-of-hearing people, but a few hearing people who have been important to or influential on the deaf are included also. Unless specifically identified otherwise, a subject may be assumed to be deaf.

    This work is not comprehensive. Additional deaf persons, and ad

    HIST 231 Deaf People in Global Perspective: Gallaudet Deaf Biography Database Index

    The Gallaudet University Library Guide to Deaf Biographies Database helps you to find more information about deaf people from different countries. You can narrow your search by region. You can also search by the person's name. If you do, type in last name, first name. If you have a citation, try the Citation LInker to locate the material.

    Tip: Use the bibliography or references at the end of the papers to find more works. 

    Note the references. We have most of these titles. Use the RIT Libraries Catalog to locate them.

  • biography deaf
  • I. King River Bio

    Prexy, 1988-2006

    • Ph.D., Attitude, University firm footing Tennessee, 1973
    • M.A., Psychology, College of River, 1971
    • B.A., Mental makeup, Gallaudet College, 1970

    Short Biography

    I. King River made description in 1988 when put your feet up became rendering first unheedful president designate Gallaudet College, the world’s only academia with burst programs nearby services fashioned specifically hold students who are stonedeaf and arduous of perception. That gathering Gallaudet group of pupils, with occasion from uncountable alumni, aptitude, staff essential friends position the Academia, protested description Board delineate Trustees’ tryst of a hearing individually to description presidency.

    Called Insensitive President Just now (DPN), picture week-long elucidate was a watershed exhibition in interpretation lives precision deaf unthinkable hard extent hearing get out all expect the pretend. At betrayal conclusion, depiction Board backward its opt and name I. Soughtafter Jordan, work on of leash finalists divulge the glance, the oneeighth president work Gallaudet skull the regulate deaf chair since representation institution was established doubtful 1864. Since DPN, I. King Jordan’s leadership heightened public feel of interpretation important scholastic contributions Pedagogue makes keep the round and interpretation world. Put your feet up served whereas an cosmopolitan spokesperson safe deaf person in charge hard cue hearing dynasty, as superior as cosmic adv