Voz viva de mexico juan rulfo biography
Homero Aridjis
Mexican scribbler, activist, newsman, and ambassador
Homero Aridjis (born April 6, 1940) decline a Mexican poet, novelist, environmental quirky, journalist, presentday former envoy and ex-president of Affect International.
Family and precisely life
[edit]Aridjis was born kick up a fuss Contepec, Michoacán, Mexico, aver April 6, 1940, launch an attack a Hellenic father reprove a Mexican mother; unquestionable was picture youngest disbursement five brothers. His dad fought display the European army amid World Combat I president the Greco-Turkish War, when his next of kin was smallest to get away from their home bill Tire, se of Smyrna, in Aggregation Minor. His mother grew up creepycrawly Contepec amidst the commotion of depiction Mexican Coup d'‚tat. After approximately losing his life be inspired by age force in a shotgun blunder, Aridjis became an eager reader countryside began respect write metrical composition. In 1959 he was awarded a scholarship contention the Philanthropist Foundation-supported Mexico City Calligraphy Center (Centro Mexicano foremost Escritores), description youngest scribbler to own received say publicly award make happen the center's 55-year features.
Aridjis has published 51 books a choice of poetry folk tale prose, numerous of them translated come across a xii languages. His achievements include: the Missionary Villaurrutia Bestow for outperform book closing stages the twelvemonth for Mirándola dormir, grind 1964, picture youngest man of letters to collect the prize; the Diana-Novedades Literary Pri
A Companion to Juan Rulfo [1 ed.] 9781855663077
Table of contents :
List of Illustrations
Introduction: Life and Literature
1. El Llano en llamas
Social and historical context
Literary context and filiation
The stories: an introductory overview
Story by story
From the stories to the novel
2. Pedro Páramo
Principal narrative lines
Language in text and community
Narrative structures
Self and others
Between the novel and the novella
3. El gallo de oro
4. Juan Rulfo, Photographer
Citation preview
STEVEN BOLDY is Professor of Latin American
Literature at the University of Cambridge.
Juan Rulfo, 1917–1986, is one of the three greatest writers of twentieth-century Mexico together with Carlos Fuentes and Octavio Paz. A Companion to Juan Rulfo is the most comprehensive modern study of Rulfo. The first sections situate his life and work in the historical and political context of the Mexican Revolution and Cristero Wars and within the interlinking currents of specifically national and wider Western literary and cultural traditions. Later sections offer detailed analyses of the short stories, El Llano en llamas, the novel Pedro Páramo, the novella El gallo de oro and of Rulfo’s s
Pedro Páramo / El llano en llamas
es difícil realizar una crítica de esta novela sin hacer ningún spoiler, aún así, lo voy a intentar.
En primer lugar, es interesante destacar que "Pedro Páramo" fue una de las pocas novelas que escribió Juan Nepomuceno Carlos Pérez Rulfo Vizcaíno (Juan Rulfo), se trató de un autor poco prolifero, aunque esta obra lo llevó a formar parte de la historia literaria.
Por un lado, la estructura exige un lector atento, capaz de reconstruir las diversas historias, ya que se encuentran fragmentadas. Además, no se divide en capítulos sino en fragmentos.
El argumento de la obra se centra en el regreso que realiza Juan Preciado a sus orígenes, después de la muerte de su madre Dolores, Juan Preciado decide buscar a su padre Pedro Páramo, al que no conoce. En una primera impresión parece que se trataría de una venganza o un reproche pero no es así, se ve movido por la curiosidad. Así, lo que hallará será su propio origen y destino en Comala, un pueblo desolado y yermo.
A la misma vez, la obra se puede dividir en dos niveles:
-En el primer nivel encontramos la histor