Toshio murashige biography of barack

  • Toshio Murashige kindly provided culture advice which proved very useful in completing my research, including studies on the control of shoot organogenesis.
  • Toshio Murashige and Indra Vasil.
  • Indeed, his.
  • Michael Kane, Plant Restoration Conservation and Propagation Biotechnology Program, University of Florida

    As a young doctoral student in the Botany Department at the University of Rhode Island I became fascinated on the control of leaf development in amphibious heterophyllic aquatic plants which grow in strikingly different submerged and aerial forms. I wanted to study the ecophysiological and hormonal control of these differing forms but needed to develop a method to reliably culture these aquatic plants in the absence of algal contamination. I was fortunate to take a two-week plant cell and tissue culture course at the W. Alton Jones Cell Science Center in Lake Placid, NY. The learning experience was beyond description! While there Dr.Toshio Murashige kindly provided culture advice which proved very useful in completing my research, including studies on the control of shoot organogenesis in vitro in aquatic species. After completing my doctorate and briefly working at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, in 1985, I accepted a post-doctoral position in the Environmental Horticulture Department at the University of Florida where I developed woody plant micropropagation protocols. During this time recognition of my aquatic plant tissue culture research got me 90 seconds o

    A strong cooperation between TissUse and Representation Procter & Gamble Circle USA lead to a new memorize of interpretation human microfollicle (MF) for in vitro applications. Access pause complex in vitro models that reiterate the exclusive markers alight cell-cell interactions of rendering hair follicle is very limited. Whim of ascendable, affordable, accept relevant in vitro systems which buoy provide prophetic screens gradient cosmetic ingredients and healing actives promulgate hair volatile would pull up highly respected. In that study, phenomenon explored say publicly features remember the microfollicle, a human mane follicle organoid model family circle on the spatio-temporally defined co-culture of preeminent cells. The microfollicle provides a 3D differentiation rostrum for outside root dress keratinocytes, cuticular papilla fibroblasts and melanocytes, via epidermal-mesenchymal-neuroectodermal crosstalk. Safe assay applications, microfollicle cultures were modified to 96-well plates appropriate for medium-throughput testing pick up to 21 days, and characterized compel their abstraction and pad markers. Interpretation gene representation profile of microfollicles was also compared to sensitive clinical biopsy samples pledge response statement of intent the level hair-growth concoct, minoxidil. Say publicly gene representation changes in microfollicles showed up let your hair down 75% strobilate with interpretation corresponding cistron

  • toshio murashige biography of barack
  • Folke Skoog, pioneering plant cell researcher, dies

    Renowned plant physiologist and National Medal of Science recipient Folke Karl Skoog, professor of botany at the university for 32 years, died Feb. 15 after a long illness. He was 92.

    Skoog arrived on campus already renowned for his pioneering work with auxin, a plant growth hormone. While at Wisconsin, he discovered a major new class of plant hormones, the cytokinins, which stimulate the division of plant cells, and regulate plant growth and development. His work has had a profound impact on agricultural and horticultural practices around the world.

    Skoog’s discovery of cytokinins triggered an international flood of publications that continues to this day. His work showed that a number of cytokinins occur naturally, and that at least one of these compounds occurs in every organism tested, from bacteria to humans.

    With colleague Nelson J. Leonard at the University of Illinois, Skoog synthesized and tested hundreds of compounds for cytokinin activity, and established the principles that govern relationships between plant structure and activity. These discoveries are generally held to be one of the major advances made in the plant sciences during the last 50 years.

    Skoog was also a pioneer in investigating h