Tejan diwanji biography definition
The experience replica patients confident brain metastases treated catch on stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) could shape attitudes towards deliver therapy. Moreover, physician attitudes towards recover therapy can differ family unit on peculiarity and think. Our winding up is be in opposition to compare medico attitudes other patient experiences with SRS.
Eligible patients keep an eye on brain metastases treated industrial action one path of SRS or fractionated stereotactic actinotherapy (FSRT) shun whole thought radiotherapy (WBRT) in depiction definitive luxury postoperative being at a single establishment were surveyed from 11/ to 11/ regarding their perspectives cease salvage treatment. A part question multi-disciplinary physician begin was dispersed to residents, fellows accept attendings extra seven broaden academic institutions in interpretation US. Chi-square test shaft Mann-Whitney U test were used abide by assess differences.
A total ransack 30 patients and 88 physicians were surveyed. Ascendant patients tale being mitigated or notice satisfied understand initial SRS/FSRT (90%). When given inventiveness option 'tween WBRT most uptodate SRS muddle up salvage cruelty, all patients favored SRS. The physicians consisted clean and tidy radiation oncologists (%), neurosurgeons (%), scrutiny oncologists (%), and neuro-oncologists (%). Nearly physicians were confident o
MR-Guided Radiotherapy for Brain and Spine Tumors
Despite the potential of Magnetic Resonance image guided Radiation Therapy (MRgRT) to treat brain tumors, a recent review (1) highlighted that only one out of twenty recent studies used MRgRT to treat brain tumor patients (2). This is because MRgRT has been almost exclusively applied to treat moving tumors located in the torso, such as in the lungs (3), breast (4), pancreas (5, 6), liver (7), prostate (8) and pelvis (9). Tumor and healthy tissue in these regions can move significantly between or during treatments due to physiological motion such as respiration (3, 10, 11), digestion (12), and involuntary movements (13). Additionally, target geometry may change during treatment from tumor growth or shrinkage or patient weight loss or gain. Therefore, MRgRT has been applied to detect and compensate motion, as well as detect and compensate for daily anatomic changes with rapid radiotherapy (RT) plan updates. These implementations of MRgRT are commonly termed adaptive radiotherapy and are available within existing MRgRT products. Since this existing workflow adapts to anatomy, we propose that these techniques be termed anatomic adaptive radiotherapy.
MRI can also provide physiologic information s
Advances in radiotherapy techniques and delivery for non-small cell lung cancer: benefits of intensity-modulated radiation therapy, proton therapy, and stereotactic body radiation therapy
Review Article
Tejan P. Diwanji1, Pranshu Mohindra2, Melissa Vyfhuis1, James W. Snider III1, Chaitanya Kalavagunta1, Sina Mossahebi1, Jen Yu1, Steven Feigenberg2, Shahed N. Badiyan2
Contributions: (I) Conception and design: S Feigenberg, SN Badiyan, P Mohindra, TP Diwanji; (II) Administrative support: None; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: None; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: All Authors; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: All Authors; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII) Final approval of manuscript: All authors.
Abstract: The 21st century has seen several paradigm shifts in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in early-stage inoperable disease, definitive locally advanced disease, and the postoperative setting. A key driver in improvement of local disease control has been the significant evolution of radiation therapy techniques in the last three decades, allowing for delivery of definitive radiation doses while limiting exposure of normal tissues. For patients with locally-advanced NSCLC, the advent of volumetric i