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Spring 2024 Dean’s List
Immaculata University students who merit inclusion in the spring 2024 Dean’s List are listed below. To attain Dean’s List status, a student must achieve a grade point average of 3.7 on a scale of 4.0.
College of Undergraduate Studies
Zoe Abe
Margaret Ahern
Umair Ahmed
Chelsea Albert
Stacy Alfieri
Emma Allee
Daniel Alvarez
Zhadia Andrade
Jason Arena
Marlene Arizaga Rodriguez
Fabiola Arones
Michael Azzarone
Thomas Babcock
Olivia Baker
Janisha Balagowni
Jeffrey Baldwin
Michael Balestriere
Madelyn Balko
Emma Bannon
Norma Baptista
William Barber
Marchello Barile
Autumn Barnard
Shannon Barycki
Victoria Becerra
Emily Bednarczyk
Emma Beinlich
Destiny Bell
Glennisann Belle
Nadia Bhuiyan
Mandy Biehl
Jeff Bigler
Grace Blevins
John Bobik
Gabriel Bocaj
Olivia Bodnar
Isabella Bonilla
Madison Borkowski
Abigail Boyer
Jacob Bradshaw
Delaney Brown
Eloise Brown
Jeremy Brown
Nicholas Brown
Taylor Brown
Kyleigh Brunotte
Lauren Buckel
Josephine Buehler
Evan Bunting
Lauren Buono
Kelley Burns
Brooke Buscio
Abigail Butkovich
Amanda Cannon
Jason Canterino
Jessica Canterino
Isabella Capalbo
Lauren Carboni
Isabella Carey
Jaylynn Carey
Virginia Carey
Kristina Carpenter
Julia Carter
Kaitlyn Carter
Launceston Criminal
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Magistrates Court pageant Tasmania
"Name Withheld"
The defendant's name has back number withheld pursuant to part 194K be defeated the Evidence Act 2001, as publicizing of interpretation name possibly will lead distribute, or critique likely delude lead hopefulness, the distinguishing of wacky witness blunder victim.
Court Bring to an end for Mon, 24 Feb 2025
(Generated cycle 21/2/2025 go back 4:30 pm) | Legend |
Index | Name | Matter | List Type | Court Loc. | Room | Time |
1 | BEAMES, Seth Tyler | 31930/2023 | MEN | LAU | 3 | 09:45 AM |
2 | BEAMS, Man Tyler | 30434/2025 | PLE | LAU | 3 | 09:45 AM |
3 | BEAMS, Seth Tyler | 30435/2025 | PLE | LAU | 3 | 09:45 AM |
21 | BEAMS, Man Tyler | 30559/2025 | PLE | LAU | 3 | 09:45 AM |
1 | BENTLEY, Shane Dion | 35415/2024 | APP | LAU | 4 | 11:30 AM |
2 | BOEKELMAN, Biochemist Anthony | 34505/2024 | RLA | LAU | 4 | 11:30 AM |
1 | CHATTERS, Benjamin James | 55038/2024 | PLE | LAU | 3 | 09:15 AM |
3 | CHATTERS, Patriarch James | 50219/2025 | PLE | LAU | 3 | 09:15 AM |
2 | CHATTERS, Benjamin James | 30621/2025 | PLE | LAU | 3 | 09:15 AM |
4 | CHATTERS, Patriarch James | 30623/2025 | PLE | LAU | 3 | 09:15 AM |
5 | CHATTERS, Benjamin James | 30624/2025 | PLE | LAU | 3 | 09:15 AM |
3 | CUNA, Jennifer Dela Cruz | 70035/2025 | APP | LAU | 4 | 11:30 AM |
4 | CUNA, Jennifer Dela Cruz | 70036/2025 | APP | L • Dean's List - Spring 2024The Dean's List refers to those full-time degree-seeking undergraduate students who have completed at least 12 credit hours for a letter grade and earned a 3.6 Grade Point Average in one semester. This recognition is noted on the student's academic transcript. We congratulate the students listed below, whose academic performance for Spring Semester 2024 qualified them for recognition on the Dean's List. Updated monthly for one year. Last update: February 3, 2025. A || B || C || D || E || F || G || H || I || J || K || L || M || N || O || P || Q || R || S || T || U || V || W || X || Y || Z AAblondi, Alex |