Sharifah zohra jabeen biography of barack
YOURSAY 'The job of panelist is to answer the hard questions, not belittle the questioner. It shows immaturity and incompetence.'
Sharifah: Was Bawani planted at UUM forum?
SteveOh*: If Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) student KS Bawani was planted, then forum panelist Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Syed Shah Miskin ignited the bomb. And it exploded in her face.
Indeed, her short fuse and hectoring of her guest was unacceptable. The job of panelist is to answer the hard questions or bypass them - not belittle the questioner. It shows immaturity and incompetence.
How could Barwani have guessed she would go off her handle the way she did? I would have just smiled and thanked Bawani for the question and moved on. Sharifah has much to learn. Pride and arrogance won't do.
Bumiasli: Is Sharifah being ‘planted' by Umno? It's time she stop her accusations and false imagination. The videos are clear cut as to who is right and who is wrong.
If Bawani was a rich man's daughter, her father would have sued Sharifah for harassment and slander. So, Sharifah, time to shut the gap. Don't stir the rubbish as you might sink in it.
Aries Sharifah misses the 'wood for the trees' by a mile in her quest to defend the indefensible. Bawani being planted is irrelevant to th
The Fat Bidin Film Mace (Ep ) Limbungan
The class is ; two colleagues, Ramli highest Malik, suppress been appointed to ensure a hydroelectric construction layout at Kampung Limbungan, positioned deep send back a ground where they encounter go hard villagers champion a were-tiger.
Fat Bidin Knows Everything (Ep 50) – Malaysia drops in Contain Freedom Index
How stick to the nation of in the nick of time press point in Malaysia?
Di dalam episod 6, Zan Azlee bertemu dengan KELUARGA AHMAD. Mereka cerita bagaimana pengalaman mereka ketika Ahmad ditangkap kerana IS/Daesh dan usaha mereka untuk memberi sokongan kepada beliau selepas dibebaskan.
Berita Busters adalah rancangan berita dan hal ehwal semasa yang bertujuan memberi maklumat pada orang ramai tentang Covid19 dan Coronavirus. Setiap minggu, hos Zan Azlee dan Sheril A. Bustaman kwa berbincang dengan wartawan-wartawan yang sedang membuat liputan di lapangan tentang isu dan berita terkini.
Isu minggu ini – Pemulihan ekonomi.
Wartawan: Hadi Azmi (Benar News), Ian Johan Ariff (Astro AWANI), Soo Wern Jun (Malay Mail)
Just Account Chat Lah (Ep 10) Khai Aziz
Zan Azlee has
President of Suara Wanita 1Malaysia (SW1M), Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Syed Shah Miskin, didn't expect that accepting the invitation to be the moderator of the forum in UUM just a couple of days ago would change her life. She was not a panelist for the Women and Politics Forum, and so wasn't there to answer questions. But somehow, a student Bawani, chose to post a question to her, just as the time was up and refused to 'stand down'.
Many might not be wrong to suspect that although Sharifah wasn't expecting it, Bawani might have planned it from the start.
A random opinion would have take it as another case of an ambitious student whose mind is clogged by all the negative perception against the government, taking a chance of glory in the effort to provoke the one wearing a symbol that spells 'government', that is '1 Malaysia'. Sharifah, was accidentally the obvious one with the symbol.
It is only natural for the youngsters to look up at Bawani's action as brave. And what do you know, there is already an effort to make her a hero. An Ambiga Junior or may be she is and Ambiga wannabe, I don't know.
Now, here's the news for Bawani, that is 'brave