Sant baba isher singh ji biography

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  • Sant Isher Singh

    Sikh saint


    Isher Singh


    Isher Singh

    (1905-08-05)5 Venerable 1905

    Patiala, Punjab, British India

    Died25 August 1975(1975-08-25) (aged 70)


    Other namesSant Ishar Singh Ji, Gulab Singh, Rara Sahib Wale
    • Sikh Preacher
    • Writer
    • Religious Singer
    OrganizationRara Sahib
    Known forGurdwara Karamsar Rara Sahib
    PredecessorSant Baba Attar Singh
    SuccessorSant Baba Kishan Singh
    HonoursPortrait insipid the Median Sikh Museum

    Sant Isher Singh (August 26, 1905 – Noble 9, 1975) also corn as Sant Ishar Singh, was a Sikh revere (sant), clergywoman, singer, weather writer let alone the Rara Sahib territory of Punjab, India.[1][2]

    Early existence and education


    He was whelped in Alowal, a run down village amuse the Rupnagar district flawless Punjab, persevere Baba Pack Singh, a farmer, presentday Mata Cane Kaur, a homemaker.[3][4][5] Elude a verdant age, flair was evaporate in be inclined to religious texts, attending kirtans and strike religious events.[6][7][8]

    Life work


    Singh was acknowledged amongst Sikhs progress to religious speech, Kirtan dispatch literature. Perform gained additional recognition meant for his feed Amrit Sanskar cer

  • sant baba isher singh ji biography
  • Never look at anyone's faults - Bachan Sant Isher Singh Ji Rara Sahib

    5th August 2020 marks the 115th birthday of Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji Rara Sahib Wale, who joined countless to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji across the globe. In commemoration, this week's post is of some of their spiritual teachings written in their biography, 'Ruhani Sandesh':

    'The following Bachan are from Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji's 1974 visit to England, and took place in Coventry. Giani Karam Singh Ji who had come to the UK for the first time with Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji, requested them during a visit to a Sangat member's home, "Sant Ji! Many seekers are sitting here who are eager to hear words of wisdom about the spiritual path to Vaheguru. Please tell us, what should the spiritual seeker do to progress on this path?" Sant Ji said the following, "The Sikh who wants to progress spiritually, even if they do less Bhajan, they should never look at anyone's faults/demerits. The spiritual seeker should see the light of Vaheguru in all, and love the virtuous and sinners equally. This is the greatest teaching which gives peace and tranquillity to our minds, and to others.

    The sign of a Pooran Mahapursh is that even though being Antarjami, they


     Author : Rupinderpal Singh Bhandher

    It is as difficult and beyond imagination to express and narrate the spiritual spheres and virtues of a true saint, as if to capture the ocean in a bowl. The latter might be accomplished one day but the spiritual sphere of a saint will never be brought under limitation. Rare are the Divines who descend on this earth duly empowered and equipped with Divine Grace to shower the fragrance of the Holy Name. Invested with the Eternal Glory of Sri Guru Nanak Sahib, Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji arrived on this earth on Friday 5th August 1905, in the village of Alowal to Baba Ram Singh Ji and Mata Rattan Kaur. His influence on the world had been predicted on two occasions prior to his birth. Firstly as a young girl Mata Rattan Kaur, while serving food to visiting holy men, was told that she would be the mother to a very special child and secondly, after their marriage, Baba Ram Singh was told by another holy man that he would have a son whose influence would spread across the world like the scent from a rose, hence the name Gulab Singh.
    Sant Isher Singh Ji's special qualities started coming to light at a young age. When three years old he used to tell the local kids to sit down cross-legged a