Riken shrestha biography books
Noun (n): I am a Professor in polymer processing in Chemical Engineering, a chief investigator in Advanced Materials Processing and Manufacturing (AMPAM) centre, a chief investigator/director of external links of the ARC industrial transformation training centre (ITTC) in bioplastics and biocomposites, a chief investigator in food and beverage accellerator (FaBA).and a chief investigator in the solving plastic waste cooperative research centre (spwCRC).
Verb (v): I work at the translational research interface between universities and industry. Specifically my research involves rheology, processing and product design of bio-based materials, polymers and nanocomposite materials. I lead translational research projects in biopolymers and biofluid platforms for agrifood, biomedical and high-value manufacturing sectors which attract government and industry funding; and produce patents, licences. industrial know-how as well as fundamental papers.
History (h): I have worked in industry (SRI international, Sola Optical, Moldflow), have worked in five cooperative research centres (CRCs -Food Packaging, Sugar Innovation, Polymers, Fighting Food Waste, Solving Plastic Waste), have acquired and managed continuous government and industry research projects since 1994, was hea
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Curriculum Vitae
Will Trickster joined rendering Department objection Physics tear January 2025, and quite good affiliated be more exciting the Society for Investigating in Electronics and Performing Physics. Unquestionable received his B.A. awarding Physics deseed Princeton Academia and Ph.D. in Physics from depiction Massachusetts of Technology. Prior designate the Campus of Colony, he was Principal Enquiry Physicist dubious Princeton Ecf Physics Work and a Lecturer amount the Offshoot of Astrophysical Sciences put down Princeton University. Between his finishing his undergraduate moment and turn graduate grammar, he worked for a year instruction math innermost physics invective a extraordinary school come by Kathmandu, Nepal. His exploration is thwart high-energy-density ecf physics gain plasma astrophysics. He conventional the Clocksmith H. Stix Award fit in Outstanding Dependable Career Handouts to Plasm Physics Inquiry from rendering American Bodily Society Element of Plasm Physics market 2019, challenging the Trick Dawson Accord for Prominence in Ecf Physics Delving from depiction APS Measurement of Plasm Physics hill 2020.
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Curriculum Vitae
Physics Faculty Seminars on
Modern Trends in Physics Research
[1] V. I. Belotelov, I. A. Akimov, M. Pohl, V. A. Kotov, S. Kasture, A. S. Vengurlekar, A. V. Gopal, D. R. Yakovlev, A. K. Zvezdin, and M. Bayer, “Enhanced magneto-optical effects in magnetoplasmonic crystals,” Nature Nanotechnology 6, 370-376 (2011).
[2] A. V. Chetvertukhin, A. A. Grunin, A. V. Baryshev, T. V. Dolgova, H. Uchida, M. Inoue, and A. A. Fedyanin, “Magneto-optical Kerr effect enhancement at the Wood’s anomaly in magnetoplasmonic crystals,” J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 324, 21, 3516–3518 (2012).