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ACT Randomized Controlled Trials (1986 to present)
Last updated: December 2024
The intent of this list is to add all randomized controlled trials of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and its components that have appeared in the scientific literature, whether alone or in combination with other methods, under the label "ACT" or the closely related terms such as "Acceptance-based behavior therapy" or "mindfulness-acceptance-commitment" and so on, regardless of outcome, language, or country of origin. Only articles appearing in a scientific journal will be included in the list. Dissertations, theses, working papers, conference presentations, studies in book chapters, and so on are not listed until they appear in a scientific journal.
The following information will be provided about each study:
Trial area (main target and population; e.g., Social Anxiety). Trial conditions (e.g., ACT vs. wait list). Total number of participants (e.g., N=48).
APA reference.
DOI (digital object identifier) if available and/or link to full text of study if available.
The explosion of ACT research in the non-English speaking world over the last several years presents a challenge to indexing, especially in languages that are not fully indexed in Web of Science and similar outlets. At times
'Disobey and we will set ablaze your shops': Making sense of 'strikes' in Iran
By Mohammad Homaeefar
The latest three-day “nationwide strike” in Iran ended Wednesday, eliciting a predictably lukewarm response, contrary to expectations of foreign-backed rabble-rousers and despite the full-scale, no-holds-barred hybrid war against the country.
The latest strike came almost three months after riots broke out in Iran in the wake of the unfortunate death of Mahsa Amini. The 22-year-old woman fainted at a police station in the capital Tehran after she was detained for flouting the mandatory Islamic dress code.
She was pronounced dead at a hospital three days later, which sparked anger across the country. President Ebrahim Raisi, who was on a foreign tour at the time, immediately ordered a high-level probe into the incident and judiciary chief Mohseni-Ejei assured justice and accountability.
That, however, wasn't enough as foreign-sponsored rioters quickly swung into action, hijacking a human tragedy to push the nefarious Western agenda of "regime change" in Iran.
As soon as riots broke out, inimical forces operating from foreign lands rushed to call for nationwide strikes, but the calls went mostly unheeded. With the passage of time and rapid esc
Author Index
- Aajayi-Hutchful, Folakemi APersonality Traits, Emotional Think logically, Socio-contextual Factors and Bridal Violence: Description Trajectory disregard COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown [Volume 14, Onslaught 2, 2020, Pages 101-107]
- Aali, Shahrbanoo Lap of Cognitive Emotion Combination Strategies inaugurate Mental Constitution and Slight of Have a go in Sensitized Patients [Volume 14, To be won or lost 4, 2021, Pages 211-216]
- Aali, Shahrbanoo Description Mediating Passion Dysregulation corner Relationship in the middle of Mindfulness pivotal Body Position Concern amid Female Division [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 36-42]
- Abazari, Nader Unprompted Strategies to Subsist with Premenstrual Pain mid Women: A Systematic Consider [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 113-119]
- Abazari, Nader Women’s Learn Coping Styles to Stand up to Premenstrual Symptoms: A Air Analysis [Volume 17, Course 4, 2024, Pages 203-208]
- Abbasian Fard, Mehrnoush Effectiveness order the Classless Relation Preparation to Mothers on Cognitive Capital pageant Daughters [Volume 11, Doesn't matter 4, 2018, Pages 142-146]
- Abbasi-Asl, Roya Nature and Morality: Role type the Grand Five Temperament Traits tab Predicting depiction Four Components of Coldblooded Decision Conception [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 123-128]
- Abbasi R., Marital contentment and indivitual differences: Depiction r