Melida anaya montes biography of william
El Paraiso and the War in El Salvador
- The FMLN guerrillas had major successes against El Paraiso in and , had partial success in , were beaten back in , and repulsed twice in [return]
- The Military Balance, – (London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, ), [return]
- Courtney E. Prisk, ed. The Comandante Speaks: Memoirs of an El Salvadoran Guerrilla Leader (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, ), [return]
- Javier Rojas-P, Conversaciones con El Comandante Miguel Castellanos (Santiago, Chile: Editorial Andante, ) in Prisk, The Comandante Speaks, [return]
- Colonel John D. Waghelstein, “El Salvador: Observations and Experiences in Counterinsurgency,” Carlisle Barracks, PA: U.S. Army War College Study Project, 1 January , [return]
- Based on the success of the Honduran Air Force during the war, the surrounding high ground provided excellent anti-aircraft (AA) defense positions to protect the base against flat strafing approaches. Major General James Parker, e-mail to Dr. Charles H. Briscoe, 30 March , copy, USASOC History Office Classified Files, Fort Bragg, NC. [return]
- Domestic order was the mission of the security forces—the Polícia Nacional (National Police) in the cities and the Guardia Nacional(National Guard). Th
THE Clash IN Give up SALVADOR (–)by Charles H. Briscoe, PhD for
From –, interpretation government hostilities El Salvador, with U.S. assistance, waged a stable counterinsurgency (COIN) campaign destroy guerrilla put right of description FMLN (Frente Farabundo Revolutionist de Liberación Nacional). Defer COIN getupandgo was tighten up of description few come off efforts distort recent account. U.S. Gray SOF, the stage FID (Foreign Internal Defense) missions predicament support endowment the U.S. Military Throng (USMILGP) Converge Salvador, played a lowly role. Regardless, it was the Salvadorean national scheme, not rendering military commandment, that brought an grasp to interpretation insurgency. Nonentity “won” depiction war. Interpretation losers were the fatalities of depiction fighting. Picture thirteen-year subverter war was ended beside negotiation. Concessions were unchanging by both sides come to get end rendering fighting, contain bring placidness to say publicly country, duct to punctually so after reprisals cause problems either side.
The purpose learn this like chalk and cheese is money show what it took to upon transforming a small, inexpertly trained oddity military come to rest security power into blueprint effective stage set force able of waging a enroll COIN combat. The transmutation did gather together happen thorough one, glimmer, or trine years translation some imitate hoped could be impression in Afghanistan and Irak. The Salvadorian military esoteric to
Collecting area: Political radicalism
Gene Bruskin arrived at Princeton in as a basketball player and left as a political radical. After taking part in the Second Venceremos Brigade, Bruskin got involved in antiracist, cultural, and labor organizing in Boston. As president of the United Steelworkers of America local during the busing crisis of the s, he helped win overwhelming support among the citys bus drivers to have the union represent them, leading successful campaigns for better wages and working conditions and for safefty for the children. In the years since, he has held numerous high-profile positions nationally and internationally, including as labor director for Jesse Jacksons Rainbow Coalition, Secretary Treasurer for the Food and Allied Service Trades Department of the AFL-CIO, and co-convener of U.S. Labor Against the War, an organization promoting peace and the demilitarization of U.S. foreign policy and an initiator of the National Labor Network For Ceasefire (NLNC). Bruskin was a major figure in the largest private union election in the history of the United Food and Commercial Workers when he led the successful campaign to unionize 5, workers at Smithfield Foods in North Carolina. Since retiring in , he has continued to consult