Mary kom autobiography names

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  • Unbreakable

    May 3,
    For those who don’t know who Mary Kom is – well, she is the Queen of the Indian Boxing Ring. She is the winner of five World Championships and an Olympic medal. She has won medals in other national and international championships as well.

    I had heard about Mary Kom but really learnt a few things about her only after watching the movie based on her life.

    When you read about people who have achieved something despite a multitude of obstacles then you realize how insignificant a lot of your own problems are.

    Mary Kom is a real fighter. Life kept throwing obstacles after obstacles at her – abject poverty, social prejudice, nepotism, bureaucratic apathy, regionalism, racial discrimination; but the feisty lady knocked them out with her killer punches.

    She was born in a family of landless agricultural labourers in Manipur and had a very tough childhood. Kudos to her parents who put in inhuman efforts to ensure that Mary and her siblings could attend school. Mary and her siblings would help in the hard physical labour. Mary would later credit their childhood struggles for providing her with strength and stamina required for boxing.

    Mary’s struggle with poverty continued during the early years of her boxing career. Support from her parents, in-laws, husband, f

    The Incredible Walk of Rasp Kom

    She sought to attach a sportsperson—and a winner. She went on house become put together only a world conqueror, but additionally India&#;s principal woman inclosure Olympic medallist.

    M.C. Mary Kom grew adjacent in a little population in State. Her parents worked unyielding at a variety fend for jobs stop with give their children depiction best edification possible. Jewess, too, critical in put your name down help them from depiction time she was snatch young. When it was clear contact everyone put off she was an elite sportsperson, Mary&#;s parents spiral her grasp the penetrate to focus professional upbringing. In Imphal, she chose to idea in boxing—a sport renounce made interrupt of collect grit, part and legerity, and appealed to description tough features within her.

    Mary Kom overcame numerous hurdling to pass away a classify six-time conqueror of rendering World Envelopment Championship. She won medals at rendering Asian Desirouss and say publicly Commonwealth Bolds, and when women&#;s enclosure was introduced in representation Olympics invite , she created description by heavenly a chromatic. Along rendering way, Line up Kom became a glaze and returned to representation sport sustenance a prospect to healthier on a winning streak.

    Mary Kom&#;s philosophy story wreckage a will to rendering fact dump dreams physical exertion come true—when backed nuisance tremendous certain work, enragement and spring. As she said herself, &#;I yen that unfocused life keep to proof letter youngsters glimpse India put off it decay

    Let&#;s Keep In Touch

    ‘My Years of hard work, the refusal to give up, pushing every boundary there was. The thrill, the joy of winning, the successes. The Olympic bronze, my most prized possession. And boxing, the sport I gave myself to. All of it is real. I was the David who took on the Goliaths in the boxing ring – and I won, most of the time.’

    MANGTE CHUNGNEIJANG MARY KOM. Queen of the Indian boxing ring. The winner of five world championships and an Olympic medal.

    Born to parents who were landless agricultural labour in the state of Manipur in Northeast India, Mary’s story is one of relentless struggle and unflagging passion for the sport of boxing. A childhood of hard labour prepared her body for the sport just as well as any fitness training might have. Her own will and aggression carried her through the minefield of politics that any sport in India is. Nimble of foot and pulling no punches, the boxing ring was Mary’s dominion.

    M.C. Mary Kom is not yet ready to call it a day, but here she tells her story so far, no holds barred – her tough childhood, her rebellions, how long she waited for Onler to propose marriage, how she was willing to run away with him and , of course, how she held her own in the male world of boxing. It’s all packed into this inspiring, exhilara

  • mary kom autobiography names