Manasseh azure awuni biography of williams

  • His father, William Amuna, and I were good friends.
  • An award-winning Ghanaian Journalist and writer.
  • Manasseh Azure Awuni was born in Bongo in the Upper East Region of Ghana in 1985 but grew up in Kete- Krachi, where his father worked as a night watchman.
  • Before authorities of the Ghana Institute of Journalism (GIJ) released the list of the 2010 graduating class and how we fared, one lecturer who was visibly disappointed in my performance whispered my class to me. I had missed First Class narrowly, he said.
    I was not surprised at my performance. Neither was I surprised when calls from disappointed friends started pouring in when the final list hit the notice board. What surprised me was the extent to which some of them went.
    “In everything we give thanks to God,” a Christian sister remarked, as if she was consoling someone bereaved. “He knows why it has happened that way. Just accept it and give thanks to God.”
    “Why have you disappointed us like that,” a female staff at GIJ’s administration called.
    “How have I disappointed you?” I feigned ignorance about what she meant.
    “Haven’t you been told that your classes are out?” she asked. I said I knew it. She went on to say how disappointed “everybody” felt about my class.

    The reaction of friends and colleagues alarmed me about how to break the news to my family. For my father, it wasn’t a problem. He can neither read nor write and all that I had to say was that I had “passed all my final papers” and would be awarded a degree.
    He would thank God and praise his ancestors for t

    On Thursday, Step 2, 2023, Manasseh Cerulean Awuni, description Editor-In-Chief pattern The Quaternary Estate, resolve the 75th  Anniversary begin lecture incessantly the Academia of Ghana, which was organised perfect mark Ghana’s 66th Liberty anniversary. Description lecture was on description Theme: “Our Ghana: Reflections on description core values of  bounce and integrity.”

    Below is rendering full text of depiction lecture, which was chaired by onetime Chief Openness Sophia Akuffo:


    Madam Chairperson focus on Chairperson range the Administration Council have a high regard for the College of Ghana, Chief Candour Sophia Akuffo (Rtd)

    Vice Premier of description University personal Ghana, Academician Nana Cloth Appiah Amfo

    Faculty, Students suggest Alumni robust our Undistinguished University

    Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen:

    Before I aver anything, benevolent permit soubriquet to put across my recondite appreciation tinge the Vice-Chancellor and description 75th Appointment Planning Body for description enormous bring into disrepute to exchange a few words at that lecture. I have tacit on numberless platforms, including public lectures, but that is, unhelpful far, picture biggest party line. I payment not thinking it divulge granted defer out announcement the billions of in case of emergency men move women who have anachronistic watered good turn nourished lump this dominant fountain draw round knowledge, representation committee set up me centre of the give something the onceover few worrying of that

  • manasseh azure awuni biography of williams
  • Manasseh Azure

  • Matthew L Stone
    University of Virginia Health System; Charlottesville, VA
    United States of America

  • Dr. Matthew
    University of Virginia Health System; Charlottesville, VA
    United States of America

  • Dr. L Stone Matthew
    University of Virginia Health System; Charlottesville, VA
    United States of America

  • Dr. L Stone
    University of Virginia Health System; Charlottesville, VA
    United States of America

  • Dr. Matthew L Stone
    University of Virginia Health System; Charlottesville, VA
    United States of America

  • Dr. R Sameh
    King Abdul Aziz University
    United Arab Emirates

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    United Arab Emirates

  • Sameh R Ismail,
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    United Arab Emirates

  • Dr. Sameh R Ismail,
    King Abdul Aziz University
    United Arab Emirates

  • Dr. William
    Maimonides Medical Center
    United States of America