Les cheminots sebastiao salgado biography
Sebastiao Salgado
Sebastião salgado
President of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association
Statement of the Jury
The German Publishers and Booksellers Association hereby awards the 2019 Peace Prize of the German Book Trade to Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado. In doing so, the association and its members have chosen to honour an exceptional visual artist who has continually campaigned on behalf of peace and social justice and whose entire photographic oeuvre lends a sense of urgency to the global debate surrounding nature conservation and environmental protection. With his ongoing work at the »Instituto Terra«, he also continues to make a direct contribution to the restoration and revitalization of biodiversity and ecosystems.
The photographs of Sebastião Salgado have been showcased in innumerable exhibitions and books, many of which show communities strongly rooted in their traditional natural environments, while others portray individuals violently uprooted by war and climate catastrophe. As a consequence of his considerable body of work, Sebastião Salgado has succeeded in raising worldwide awareness for the fate of labourers and migrants as well as for the living conditions of indigenous peoples.
By describing his often breathtaking and characteristically black-and-white photogr