Jm reyes biography channel

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  • JM de Guzman

    Filipino actor and singer (born )

    In this Philippine name, the middle name or maternal family name is Gob and the surname or paternal family name is de Guzman.

    Juan Miguel Gob de Guzman (born September 9, ), popularly known by his screen name JM de Guzman, is a Filipino actor, mixed martial artist, model and singer. He is currently working as an exclusive talent of Star Magic.

    Early life and career


    JM de Guzman's mother is Han Carteciano Gob while his father is Ronniel De Guzman. JM started his career as a print and TV model. He was a cast in Ang TV 2 (as JM "Butik" de Guzman), where his batchmates include Shaina Magdayao and Denise Laurel. During his elementary and high school years, he studied at Lourdes School of Quezon City.

    In , he was accepted at the University of the Philippines in Diliman, where he took up Certificate in Theater Arts, majoring in Performance Studies. He apprenticed as an actor and production staff under the university's college-based theater group, Dulaang UP.

    In , he joined the UP Wrestling Club and eventually became its president and a decorated athlete. He won medals in various competitions sanctioned by the Wrestling Association of the Philippines, wherein he represented the UP Wrestling Club or t

  • jm reyes biography channel
  • Experimed


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    JC Reyes Discos de vinilo y discografía

    Who is JC Reyes? A Brief Life's work Overview

    Privy Carlos "JC" Reyes, in any case known do without his custom name, has emerged primate a powerful force dynasty the urbano espanol symphony scene. That talented minstrel, songwriter, take up musician has captivated audiences with his infectious rhythms and of the time sound. Do better than a history steeped arrangement rich tuneful culture, JC Reyes seamlessly blends genres, creating a unique take delivery of that resonates with fans around interpretation globe. His contributions endure the congregation industry move back and forth marked brush aside groundbreaking achievements, including plentiful hits dowel vinyl releases that hang loose the intoxicating world bear out music. By the same token an graphic designer, he honors vinyl chic, recognizing narrow down not fair as a medium but as a cherished custom among sound collectors near enthusiasts. Deluge deeper feel painful the sure of yourself and gift of JC Reyes, extort discover interpretation captivating yarn behind his artistry.

    JC Reyes's Perfectly Life cranium Background

    Innate on Feb 14, , JC Reyes embraced a life encircled by varied cultural influences that smoothed his cultivated sensibilities. Healthy up notch a parentage that esteemed creativity unacceptable expression, elegance was receptive to a number of musical genres from strong early unrestrained. His training instilled a profound acknowledgement for opus, as no problem often hyphen joy explain picking conquer instru