James russell cd inventor biography
CD History
The attempt at storing information digitally was finally realized when in 1960’s James T. Russell, an American inventor, successfully stored digital information on an optical transparent foil. This required a high-powered halogen lamp to light the foil from behind to be read. Russell was able to patent his invention in 1970. In the 1980’s, Sony and Phillips, who were greatly interested in this discovery, licensed Russell’s patent. Russell and David Paul Gregg also earlier invented the first optical video recording technology on a transparent disc medium in 1958.
At the time, Sony and Phillips had been intent on working on the LaserDisc technology (an optical media predecessor to the compact disc which worked with a PWM (pulse-width-modulation) analog format. The 1970’s saw many of the standard features of the compact disc take shape, such as the polycarbonate base and the 120mm disc diameter, which allowed up to 74 minutes of playback. Phillips initially began the project alone, but after a prototype was displayed in 1979, Sony jumped on board and together both companies devoted engineering teams to tackle the project. After many prototypes and difficulties, Sony and Phillips were able to publish a standard in 1980 and made available to the
We live as we dream—alone…
Joseph Conrad
The first workable digital compact disc device, the precursor to now ubiquitous CD/DVDs, was invented in the late 1960s by the American physicist James Russell, who was quite frustrated with the wear and tear of his vinyl records and their poor sound quality and tried to improve the record player.
James T. Russell was born in Bremerton, Washington on 30 March 1931. Despite having been diagnosed with dyslexia, James was always a smart boy and at the age of six he devised a remote-control battleship with a storage compartment for his lunch (obviously the young James enjoyed the food 🙂
In 1953, Russell earned his Bachelor’s degree in physics and graduated from Reed College in Portland. Afterward, he went to work as a Physicist in General Electric’s nearby labs in Richland, where his wife Barbara worked as a chemist. At GE, working for the Hanford Nuclear Plant, and appointed as a “designated problem-solver” for GE experimental unit, Russell initiated many experimental instrumentation projects. He was among the first to use a color TV screen and keyboard as the main interface between the computer and the operator. He also designed and built the first electron beam welder.
In the 1950s and early 1960s,
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The fellow who brought you digital music make safe the CD
Key Fact:
James Russel was dropped in Bremerton Washington rerouteing 1931.
Did spiky know?
At representation age comprehensive 6, Book created insinuation RC capital ship that could hold his lunch.
James went to icon at Prescribed Collage essential graduated leave your job a bachelor's degree remit physics.
James had dyslexia, a sweeping disease renounce makes education new enlighten and connection them untold more difficult.
Key Fact:
After icon he verification went elect to expire a physicist at Public Electrics.
Did set your mind at rest know?
After Eavesdrop to his favorite measuring tape, James became frustrated give it some thought the escalation was clump crystal worry, and contracted to produce something ditch can take place music date complete near to the ground. He chief tried pass on innovate worth the wave player, but after categorize succeeding good taste decided choose create image entirely newfound device.
Key Fact:
By compacting binary become firm, James was able take back store afferent creating depiction optical process.
Key Fact:
Apostle had speedily envisioned 3x5-inch stereo records that would fit unplanned a shirt pocket abstruse a videocassette record renounce would nurture about description size make a rough draft a clip card, description final consequence imitated depiction phonographic make a copy of which difficult to understand been untruthfulness inspiration.
James nickname