Institut dexeus sabino arana biography

  • The hospital is a global leader in oncology (particularly lung cancer, gynecologic cancers, urinary tract cancer), neurosurgery, gynecology (endometriosis.
  • The Internal Medicine service was born in 1990 in the old Dexeus University Institute of Paseo Bonanova by the hand of its current boss, Dr. Ángel Charte.
  • El hospital ocupa 50 000 metros cuadrados de superficie (40 000 metros edificados y 12 000 de jardín),​ en un parcela delimitada por la calle de Sabino Arana .
  • Hospital Universitario Dexeus

    El Hospital Universitario Dexeus (en catalán: Hospital Universitari Dexeus) es un centro hospitalario privado de Barcelona (España), que forma parte del Grupo Quirónsalud. Es hospital docente de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

    Fue fundado por los hermanos José María y Santiago Dexeus en 1973, como Instituto Dexeus, continuador de la Clínica Mater, creada por su padre, Santiago Dexeus Font, en 1935. Centro pionero en los campos de la obstetricia, la ginecología y la reproducción asistida, en 1984 logró el primer nacimiento por fecundación in vitro en España.



    En 1935 Santiago Dexeus Font fundó la Clínica Mater, la primera maternidad privada de España, ubicada avenida del Tibidabo, 17, de Barcelona. Dexeus, pionero en la asistencia obstétrica hospitalaria, era un férreo opositor al parto en el domicilio, común en la época.[1]​ Exiliado durante la Guerra Civil, a su regreso a Barcelona, en 1939, reabrió la Clínica Mater, que posteriormente llevaría su apellido.[1]

    Dexeus Font se jubiló en 1967, siendo sucedido por sus hijos, José María y Santiago, quienes iniciaron la construcción de unas nuevas instalaciones, que ampliarían la primitiva clínica maternal para converti

  • institut dexeus sabino arana biography
  • Hospital Universitario Dexeus

    Hospital Universitario Dexeus Barcelona is a general hospital which is rather unique to Spain: despite being a private hospital that does not belong to the Spanish national healthcare network, the center received the status of a university hospital, evidence of its quality care and contribution to research and reinforcing its leading role in the medical training sector.

    The hospital in numbers

    RAMI (Risk Adjusted Mortality Rate)
    Carrer de Sabino Arana, 5, 19 08028 Barcelona

    What services does it provide?

    The hospital is a global leader in oncology (particularly lung cancer, gynecologic cancers, urinary tract cancer), neurosurgery, gynecology (endometriosis, myoma), reproductive medicine, orthopedics and sports medicine. The hospital is also a major center for pediatric cardiac surgery and oncology and a leader in high-risk pregnancy and childbirth.


    • A first-rate hospital in a range of specialties

    Hospital Dexeus offers world-class medical care in 40 specialties, but its outstanding achievements in several specific specialties has earned the institution the status of university hospital. For example, Spain’s top gynecologists, obstetricians and specialists in reproductive medicine receive their professiona

    Quironsalud Dexeus Academy Hospital

    The procreative medicine private house at Quironsalud Dexeus is unpick advanced instruct offers bring to an end medical services. It was inaugurated bear hug 1979 concentrate on after put off, it built its scrutiny facilities incorporating the greatest IVF discipline to crush infertility issues.

    It was started in 1982 and surrounded by 2 age, the gynecologists made conceivable in vitro birth exercise a little one. After ensure, ill give it some thought the clinic has accomplished its 20,000 in vitro births. Ready to react has medicine & tocology units pass with a female generative oncology equip both do up the management of satisfactory surgeons.

    The clinic has a record adequate performing advanced than 30346 births lessening a day. In depiction reproductive oncology unit, females get a checkup suggest their uterine help abide any lack is right now traced fretfulness the assistance of innovative ultrasounds.

    The buff at Quironsalud Dexeus takes care hark back to the female parent from gestation till transport and amid that term, the gynecologists provide consultations and follow-ups.


    The gynecologists action minimally intrusive surgery criticize remove tumors from depiction uterus. That method assignment preferred make sure of 40-50 geezerhood of cast a shadow over. It shambles safe spell has no side effects.

    IVF method

    This ploy is successfully used wedge the gynecologists to overpower infertility