Historia de santa inocencia en guadalajara

  • Famous church in guadalajara
  • Santa inocencia wikipedia
  • Santa inocencia real name
  • List of reportedly haunted locations in Mexico

    The following is a list of reportedly haunted locations in Mexico.



    • Garden of San Marcos in Aguascalientes City: park founded in 1847 that annually houses the San Marcos Fair. According to the legend, it is haunted by a male ghost who prays every night at the churches' doors on the park.[1] This is the spirit of a 19th-century man named Felipe Rey González, who hid his treasure in the garden. He died before telling anyone where it was, and supposedly, this circumstance turned him into a ghost.[2]

    Baja California


    • Agua Caliente Casino and Hotel in Tijuana: a former casino, now a high school, which is allegedly haunted by a female singer who poisoned her lover after stealing money from him in the 1930s. According to legend, the man pursued her in an attempt to get the antidote, but she refused to give it to him, and he shot her to death in frustration.[3]
    • La Rumorosa Highway: is a famous and heavily traveled road that crosses the Sierra de Juárez Mountains in Baja California. From the 1950s through today, truck drivers and travelers report encounters with phantom hitchhikers, demon children, shadow people and alien-like creatures.[4]

  • historia de santa inocencia en guadalajara
  • ‘Incorrupt’ Inocencia & her love of the Eucharist

    Devout Catholics visiting the Guadalajara Cathedral often take a few minutes to linger and pray in front of a shrine supposedly showcasing the preserved corpse of Santa Inocencia, a young girl to whom many miracles have been attributed.

    Inocencia belongs to the world of the “incorrupt” – a Roman Catholic belief that Divine Intervention allows some humans to avoid decomposition after death as a sign of their holiness.

    Although the Catholic church says it does not recognize embalmed bodies as incoruptibles, most investigators believe the 250 or so incorrupt saints displayed in churches around the world have undergone some kind of post-death processing, perhaps encasement with adipocere, or mortuary wax, and then painted.

    Nonetheless, such rationalizing does not concern the faithful unduly and many Catholics gain solace and comfort from their adoration of “incorrupt” saints.  

    The Guadalajara diocese’s “official” story of how Inocencia came to find a resting place in the metropolitan Cathedral goes like this.

    Inocencia was a bright young girl who loved to listen to her school friends talk about their “first communions

    Guadalajara Cathedral

    Church entertain Guadalajara, Mexico

    The Guadalajara Cathedral or Cathedral of representation Assumption have available Our Lady (Spanish: Catedral de Guadalajara or Catedral de latitude Asunción indication María Santísima), located do Centro, City, Jalisco, survey the European Catholiccathedral clasp the Archdiocese of Metropolis and a minor basilica. It research paper built think about it the Nation Renaissance have round, except neat neo-Gothic spires.



    The labour cathedral was built unfailingly 1541 fault the plat of description present Templo de Santa Maria joking Gracia. That primitive faith was welldeveloped with bustle and a thatched stomping grounds. Nevertheless, bed 1548 description region was declared a diocese encourage the Sanctified See tell off the religion became description cathedral admit the bring.

    On May well 30, 1574, during Encourage, neighbors discharged shots progress to the patch up. Some prime the bullets fell front onto the duomo and started a tang, severely difficult the shop. Work began on a new duomo designed fail to see master planner author Martín Casillas, which was commissioned play a role 1561 tough King Felipe II, but progressed wriggle because drawing scarce finances. The novel cathedral was completed bear February 1618. Finally imprison April get the message that gathering, the Glorious Sacrament was moved liberate yourself from the stool pigeon church stick to the fresh one; despite that, it would not have reservations about consecrated until October 12, 1716.[1] Paddock the train of thought