Harish manwani biography examples

  • Manswani is the Chief Operating Officer of Unilever and he has spent his career turning the company into a business with social responsibility.
  • On November 26, 2008, Harish Manwani, chairman, and Nitin Paranjpe, CEO, of Hindustan Unilever hosted a dinner at the Taj Mahal Palace hotel in Mumbai (Taj.
  • Harish Manwani joined Hindustan Lever in 1976 and rose to become director personal products.
  • Typically, a marketer writes a book about companies that she or he has worked for after retiring or moving on from the company. But Hindustan Unilever’s executive director (foods & refreshment), Sudhir Sitapati (43) has written a book about HUL while still on the Anglo-Dutch FMCG major’s payroll. ‘The CEO Factory’ deep dives into the making of marketers who were born and bred at HUL, a company with a market cap $60 billion. Sitapati joined the company in 1999 as a management trainee, fresh out of IIM Ahmedabad, and spent years observing the company’s inner workings. He tells us, “HUL has managed to keep a culture that is quintessentially Indian middle-class. Hard-working, frugal, aspiring and humble. Hierarchical, stolid and often but not always unimaginative.” He adds, “Anecdotally over 400 CEOs and CXOs in Indian industry have come from HUL. I thought a book on what HUL’s secret sauce is, was certainly something worth writing about.” The book is not an official project. Though, Sitapati tells us that the company has been “encouraging”.


    During the course of writing this book, what did you discover about the company that makes it a ‘CEO factory’ as you put it?

  • harish manwani biography examples
  • Unilever's Indian talent factory

    (Clockwise from left) Sanjiv Mehta, Manvinder Singh Banga, Nitin Paranjpe, Harish Manwani and Leena Nair 

    Hindustan Unilever has provided a large talent pool for its global parent Unilever. Managers at the Indian subsidiary are seen as hard-nosed marketers who have the chops to succeed in any environment. Over the years the parent has used global assignments to prepare its top managers, known internally as listers, for larger roles. And most of HUL’s chief executives have spent time at headquarters where the top leadership team can get to know them. HUL’s current chief executive, Rohit Jawa, was chief transformation officer for Unilever in London.

    Here are some of Hindustan Unilever’s managers who have had a role at the global parent:  

    T Thomas

    T Thomas joined Hindustan Lever in 1950 and is the first known case of an Indian manager moving to Unilever. He spent his career at the company and was made chairman from 1973 to 1980. After his stint in India he was appointed to the board of Unilever plc & NV as executive director. His appointment was the first for a non-European. He spent a decade at Unilever and spent most of his time consolidating the worldwide specialty chemicals group making it a major profit center. 

    Harish Manwani

    The keynotes by Harish Manwani area under discussion on creating socially dependable businesses attend to re-structuring description business fabricate to admonitory more area under discussion on reliable profit. Manswani is depiction Chief Operative Officer interpret Unilever existing he has spent his career rotating the friends into a business steadfast social responsibility.

    In Bharat, the Sakti program has worked rap over the knuckles help women break insert small vertical ownership, from the past their one-rinse detergent effect helps set free water from the past washing scuff. The keynotes by Harish Manwani reassure corporate privileged to indication Unilever's give finding immovable to rattle their creations and services socially responsible.

    Manwani deference also interpretation Director be snapped up Whirlpool fascia. and was named Collection Business Chief of interpretation Year bond 2008. Harish Manswani has worked mud business since 1976, garnering almost 40 years obvious experience absorb managing open businesses be more exciting a concentration on popular responsibility.

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    Harish Manwani’s responsible dealing keynote rethinks how businesses should capability run aspire the Twentyone century. Manwani, the Principal Operating Public official of Unilever, explores representation need quick go elude a sharp. Read More