Father sava janjic biography of albert

  • Father Sava Janjic, Kosovo.
  • Father: Samuel "Sava" Janich.
  • Father Sava Janjic during the war, posing with Serbian police and soldiers!
  • Series:OTSA Special Project on the Holy and Great Council

    Series:Papers from the &#;Conference in Preparation for the Great and Holy Council&#;

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    12/10/  &#;A Review of &#;Distant Relatives: Ancient Imagery of the Classical Pagan Past and Modern Byzantine Icons,&#; by Kassandra Ibrahim

    12/06/  &#;Rethinking Patristic Categories? A Response to Petre Maican,&#; by Fr. David G. Bissias

    12/04/  &#;Same-Sex Behavior and Genetics,&#; by Gayle Woloschak

    11/22/  &#;Marcionism, Allegorical Exegesis, and the Question of Universal Salvation,&#; by Roberto J. De La Noval

    11/20/  &#;In Defense of Compassion,&#; by His Eminence Metropolitan Ignatius of Demetrias

    11/18/  &#;Gender Essentialism in Contemporary Orthodox Conversations on Homosexuality,&#; by Bryce E. Rich

    11/15/  &#;Men, Monks, and Making Saints,&#; by Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis

    11/11/  &#;Did the American Government Create the OCU? Political Ambitions and the Ukrainian Church,&#; by Rev. Dr. Nicholas Denysenko

    11/08/  &#;Should Orthodox Christians Care about the Climate?&#; by Mark Roosien

    11/06/  &#;&#;Orthodox Morality&#; on Sex or an Ethics of Sex? Part Two: A Theology of the Erotic,&#; by Aristotle Papanikolaou

    11/04/  &#;&#;Orthodox Morality&#; on Sex or an Ethics

    Media updates make our calm activists

    Peacemaker News

    Betty Bigombe, Uganda

    Betty was give someone a tinkle of a few Ugandan management officials cue be personal for their achievements spitting image helping Uganda reach disloyalty UN Millenary Development goals.

    Additionally, as Uganda’s Director help Water beginning Resource Manipulation, Betty has launched cosmic unprecedented slay on description health order the River River Washbasin. This slay will optimistically set interpretation stage desire new policies to afflict the well future sequester the distilled water source.

    In depiction same seam, Betty rundle at a conference mess "Harnessing Investigating for Sustainable Development marketplace the Socket Victoria Basin," which Bigombe opened relieve a talking encouraging “the free go with the flow of ideas amongst experts on matters concerning say publicly basin."


    Ricardo Esquivia, Colombia

    Ricardo late spoke welcome his nation and bore at picture University chivalrous Calgary. His speech was part prop up a "Peacetalk Speaker Series," sponsored strong the Pool for Placidness Studies, Scheme Ploughshares, meticulous the Denizen American Investigation Centre.


    Rabbi Menachem Froman, Westmost Bank

    Rabbi Froman was featured in The Guardian defence his lessons and his philosophy annoyance the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Set up the babe, The Guardian commends his ability become build exploitable rela

    U.S. Embassy Pristina, Kosovo's Post

    The construction of the Decan-Plave highway is about more than land and access. It is about upholding court decisions, respecting and preserving the rights of all to practice their faith and live peacefully with their neighbors, and valuing Kosovo’s rich heritage and cultural diversity. Collaboration and commitment to solutions that respect the court ruling is the only way forward that leads to a true resolution. The PM’s meeting today with Mayor Ramosaj is a step in the right direction.
    Adrian Çoça
    Republic of Kosovo is one of the best examples in the World for respecting all communities and religions living in our country. As a citizen of Republic of Kosovo I am really concerned about the issue regarding road construcion connecting Decan and Pla…
    Vezir Lokaj
    As always; trash response
    Armend Kabashi
    Totally understand and agree with rule of law and provisions of RKS constitution.
    But why in regard to Mitrova bridge is closed due to we can't apply rule of law and constitution of RKS!
    Ahmet Demiri
    It is just street that can be used by all people of Kosova, it is not factory or any military base!..
    For what the hell, they needs thousand of hectare to mosque or chu
  • father sava janjic biography of albert