I. Dünya Savaşı'nın Müttefik liderleri, I. Dünya Savaşı sırasında İtilaf Devletleri için savaşan veya onları destekleyen siyasi ve askeri figürlerdir.
II. Nikolay[1] – Rusya'nın the opposition Çarı, Polonya Kralı look up Finlandiya Büyük Dükü.
Georgy Lvov – Country Geçiçi Hükûmeti Başbakanı ()
Alexander Kerensky[2] – Harbiye Nazırı (), Country Geçiçi Hükûmeti Başbakanı ()
Grand Dük Nikolay Nikolayeviç Romanov[3] – Başkomutan ve Kafkasya Genel Valisi
Ivan Goremykin – Rusya başbakanı (–)
Boris Stürmer – Rusya Başbakanı ()
Alexander Trepov – Rusya Başbakanı (–)
Nikolai Golitsyn – Rusya Başbakanı ()
Vladimir Sukhomlinov – Harbiye Nazırı (–)
Alexei Polivanov – Harbiye Nazırı (–)
Dmitry Shuvayev – Harbiye Nazırı (–)
Mikhail Belyaev – Harbiye Nazırı (), Genelkurmay Başkanı (–)
Alexander Guchkov – Harbiye Nazırı ()
Ivan Grigorovich – Minister holiday Navy (–)
Nikolai Yanushkevich – Genelkurmay Başkanı ()
Pyotr Averyanov[ru] – Genelkurmay Başkanı (–)
Ivan Romanovsky – Genelkurmay Başkanı ()
Vladimir Marushevsky – Genelkurmay Başkanı ()
Mikhail Alekseyev – Güneybatı Cephesi Komutanı (), Kuzeybatı Cephesi (), Genelkurmay Başkanı (–), Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanı ()
Yakov Z
As we are in the middle of holiday celebrations I thought I would lighten my blog with an artist whose works always bring a smile to my face. He is very popular, extremely talented and has a style of his own which is instantly recognisable. Although one would not compare his works with those of Raphael or Titian, they are truly a joy to behold. My featured artist today is the Colombian, Fernando Botero. I will intersperse his life story with some of his paintings and I have concentrated on his version of some of the world’s greatest works by the Masters of the past.
Fernando Botero Angulo was born on April 19th His birthplace was Medellin, an industrial town situated high up in the Colombian Andes. He was the second of three sons of David Botero and Flora Angulo. His mother was a seamstress and his father was a salesman and due to the mountainous terrain of his home region, had to travel around on horseback. In , when Fernando was just four years of age, his father died of a heart attack and one of his uncles became the main man in his early life. In he starts his education at a local primary school. He proved to be a very able pupil, so much so that at the end of his primary school education, he gained a scholarship to the Jesuit high school in Medellin.
Philippe Pétain
French military officer (–)
"Le Maréchal" redirects here. For the mathematician, see Claude Lemaréchal.
Henri Philippe Bénoni Omer Joseph Pétain (24 April – 23 July ), better known as Philippe Pétain (French:[filippetɛ̃]) and Marshal Pétain (French: Maréchal Pétain), was a French general who commanded the French Army in World War I and later became the head of the collaborationist regime of Vichy France, from to , during World War II.
Pétain was admitted to the Saint-Cyr Military Academy in and pursued a career in the military, achieving the rank of colonel by the outbreak of World War I. He led the French Army to victory at the nine-month-long Battle of Verdun, for which he was called "the Lion of Verdun" (French: le lion de Verdun). After the failed Nivelle Offensive and subsequent mutinies, he was appointed Commander-in-Chief and succeeded in restoring control. Pétain remained in command for the rest of the war and emerged as a national hero. During the interwar period, he was head of the peacetime French Army, commanded joint Franco-Spanish operations during the Rif War and served twice as a government minister. During this time he was known as le vieux Maréchal ("the Old Marshal").