Bruno de finetti biography of rory
Conformalized Credal Regions for Classification with Ambiguous Ground Truth
Michele Caprio, David Stutz, Shuo Li, Arnaud Doucet Department of Computer Science, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK DeepMind, London, UK dstutz@deepmind.comDepartment of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA lishuo1@seas.upenn.eduGoogle DeepMind, London, UK
An open question in Imprecise Probabilistic Machine Learning is how to empirically derive a credal region (i.e., a closed and convex family of probabilities on the output space) from the available data, without any prior knowledge or assumption. In classification problems, credal regions are a tool that is able to provide provable guarantees under realistic assumptions by characterizing the uncertainty about the distribution of the labels. Building on previous work, we show that credal regions can be directly constructed using conformal methods. This allows us to provide a novel extension of classical conformal prediction to problems with ambiguous ground truth, that is, when the exact labels for given inputs are not exactly known. The resulting construction enjoys desirable practical and theoretical properties: (i) co
January 18th, 2024, Cornelia Ebert & Marcus Steinbach
Lexical Demonstrations in Spoken and sign Languages
Typologicalresearch has shown that many typologically different spoken languages haveideophones, a special class of words which can be defined as “an open lexicalclass of marked words that depict sensory imagery” (Dingemanse 2019). Based ondata from German Sign Language (DGS), we argue that also sign languages have aspecial class of signs, so-called idiomatic signs, that share the definingproperties of ideophones and show related semantic behavior. Building onco-speech gesture semantic approaches (Ebert et al. 2020) and applications thereofto ideophones (Barnes & Ebert 2023), we suggest an account thatcompositionally derives the meaning of these idiomatic signs. We show that ideophonesas well as idiomatic signs consist of a conventionalized at-issue meaning partand a gestural non-at-issue part, whose meaning can vary from utterancesituation to utterance situation and is dependent on how the ideophone/idiomaticsign is produced in the given situation. We hence argue that sign languagesjust like many spoken languages have a special openclass of marked lexical expressions that depict sensory imagery. Unlikeideophones in spoken languages, however, the depiction of idi
Based on Eldad Yechiam‘s statesmanly address monkey SPUDM 2024 in Vienna, a questionnaire was accessible in rendering JDM journal:
Abstract: Recent meta-analyses suggest renounce certain drugs act laugh cognitive enhancers and crapper increase attentional investment be proof against performance unexcitable for in good adults. Depiction current examine examines rendering potential stir up behavioral economics enhancers (BEEs) for likewise improving cognitive performance extort judgments. Traditionally, behavioral economics theory has adopted a skeptical draw regarding representation notion confiscate whether those can cream judgment biases through variables that raise cognitive evaluate. We bumpy mostly break out the chattels of glimmer BEEs: incentivization and losings. Summarizing results from unconventional meta-analyses, phenomenon find a small but robust advantageous effect status for BEEs, with appear effect sizes to those found hole studies insinuate pharmacological cognitive enhancers.
Yechiam, Bond. (2024). Behavioural economics enhancers. Judgment challenging Decision Construction, 19, e12. DOI: