Biography muhammad taha al junayd surah kahf
He started to seek education in the discipline of Qur’an sciences by enrolling himself into the center of Quran memorization: Abdel Rahman Ajour in Hamad city, Bahrain which led him to by heart twenty parts (Hizb) of the Quran.
Muhammad Taha Al Junaid has numerous accolades of high merit to his credit namely securing first positions in most of the Qur’an recitation competitions along with also winning the prestigious Sheikh Ibn Baaz contest, in Quran memorization and Tajweed which was organized by the Islamic Education Association not to forget achieving one of the top ten places in Jalawi Bin Dhawi Al Otaibi competition in Quran memorization and Tajweed and also securing first position in the Holy Quran competition in Bahrain radio which was organized by the Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs.
018 al-kahf ( the hollow )
[Auto-Biography] – How I Was Guided To Tawhid & The Straight Path – Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Jamil Zeno [1431H]
Abu Ubaydah
Checked & Annotated
Abu Hibban & Abu Khuzaimah Ansaari
To proceed I received a letter from a Turkish student from Qauniyyah and the text of it was,
“To Muhammad Ibn Jamil Zeno, Teacher in Darul Hadeeth Khayriyyah in Makkah Mukarramah,
Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
to proceed:
Oh Noble teacher! I am a student of knowledge in the faculty of Shar’eeah of Qooniyyah. I transalted your book, ‘The Islamic Belief’ as part of my dissertation into Turkish but I require your biography so that I can include it with the published book. I require from your virtous self that you send me these details. I Thank you very much now oh virtuous Shaikh. Wasalam Upon obedience and guidance.
Bilal Baromaji – Turkey
Many other students of knowledge have requested me write about my life and the various stages in my life that I traversed since I was younger till this current age of 70 years, in how I came towards the correct Islamic belief of the salaf Saaliheen, based on the evidences from the Noble Quran and the authentic Ahadith. This is indeed a major blessing and no one knows this except the who tastes.