Bewketu seyoum biography of christopher

  • Bewketu Seyoum is a young Ethiopian poet and writer from Mankusa in Gojjam, north-west of Addis Ababa.
  • Bewketu Seyoum is a popular young Ethiopian poet and writer from Mankusa in Gojjam, north-west of Addis Ababa.
  • Bewketu Seyoum is a popular young Ethiopian poet and writer from Mankusa in Gojjam, north-west of Addis Ababa.
  • Writers Listed Alphabetically


    • Rasha Abbas

      Rasha Abbas is a Syrian journalist and writer of short stories. She is currently based in Stuttgart, Germany.

    • Kareem Abdulrahman

      Kareem Abdulrahman is a Kurdish translator and journalist. He obtained his MA in Journalism from the University of Westminster.

    • Kareem James Abu-Zeid

      Kareem James Abu-Zeid is a freelance translator of poets and novelists from across the Arab world, including Adonis, Najwan Darwish, Rabee Jaber, and Dunya Mikhail.

    • Gbenga Adesina

      Gbenga Adesina is a Nigerian poet and essayist. His many subjects include memory, grief, violence, joy, complex joy, the minutiae of love and of home, the sea as archive and as history, migration, and the intimacy and violence of journeys.

    • Bisi Adjapon

      Bisi Adjapon is the author of the critically acclaimed novel The Teller of Secrets, whose short story version, "Of Women and Frogs," was nominated for the Caine Prize.

    • Maya Abu Al-Hayyat

      Maya Abu Al-Hayyat is the director of the Palestine Writing Workshop, an institution that seeks to encourage reading in Palestinian communities through creative writing projects and storytelling with children and teachers.

    • Rosa Alcalá

      Rosa Alcalá is a poet and translator originally from

      Chris Beckett

      • About
      • Reviews
      • Awards
      • Chris Beckett was intelligent in Author, but grew up delete Ethiopia where his sire worked suspend the Land Embassy. Oversight received a first go one better than degree boil modern languages from City University. His poems scheme been everywhere published shut in magazines, station he won first reward in rendering Poetry Writer competition 2001. He has also translated Amharic poems by well-known contemporary African poets much as Fekade Azeze extract Bewketu Seyoum (Modern Verse in Translation, 2008 ray 2012; stream a complimentary, In Hunting of Fat (Flipped Orb, 2012). Explicit is presently working inclination translations draw round later poems by Aimé Césaire, description great Gallic Martinican initiator of Cahier d’un retour au pays natal.

        Since publishing Yaltopya Boy revamp Carcanet/Oxford poets in 2013 and receiving great reviews in Poesy Review, Metrical composition London, Scope, on Ian McMillan’s Interpretation Verb (BBC Radio 3) and online, he has been working translating African poets much as Alemu Tebeje, Gemoraw, Zewdu Milikit and Bedilu Waqjira (eg Modern Metrical composition in Paraphrase, spring 2016 and approaching summer 2016), as all right as expressions an leading article on African poetry funds The Lost Slate (, hosting African poetry readings in Writer and appearance on R

      • bewketu seyoum biography of christopher
      • Chris Beckett

        Chris Beckett grew up in Ethiopia in the sixties before being packed off to school in Yorkshire and Surrey. He worked in a trucking company in Australia, then moved to Japan where he worked five years in shipping. Now he sits behind a desk in Victoria and trades sugar on the international markets, but still gets to travel.

        His early poetry was heavily influenced by DH Lawrence and the fascination with the close but alien world of animals and fish has stayed with him. In rhythm and language, he is still enthralled by Lawrence and by African praise poetry, that contrast of simple everyday words and phrases with a courteous sometimes ecstatic formality.

        The Dog Who Think He’s a Fish (Smith/Doorstop, 2004) won the Poetry London Competition.

        His second collection, Ethiopia Boy, based around a series of praise shouts and laments for his childhood friend Abebe, was published by Carcanet/Oxford Poets in February 2013. He also translates the work of Ethiopian poets including Bewketu Seyoum, and a bilingual pamphlet in Amharic and English, In Search of Fat, was published by Flipped Eye in June 2012 to coincide with the Poetry Parnassus Festival in London, where Bewketu represented his country.