Art mokarow biography

  • It is my understanding that Mr. Mokarow was hospitalized in early July because of an infection and died July 27.
  • Art Mokarow.
  • Follow Art Mokarow and explore their bibliography from Amazon's Art Mokarow Author Page.
  • New Bible-research association clarifies goals,
    purposes, targeted audience and name change

    Name change

    The last time this newspaper reported on the organization, its name was the Associates for Restored Truth. (See "Symposium Presents Mix of Views About Law, Grace," The Journal, Feb. 29, 2008.)

    But Mr. Mokarow later asked his friend Al Carrozzo to change the name because the association's initials, ART, could be confused with Mokarow's first name. So the name became Associates for Biblical Research.

    However, when the ABR discovered that there is already an Associates for Biblical Research residing in Pennsylvania that has been around since 1969, another minor course correction was in order.

    So now the ABR is the Association for Biblical Research.

    Reason for ABR

    "We're just a bunch of guys who associate together," Mr. Mokarow explained. "We come from different denominations and different strengths, with different biblical strengths. We believe that, rather than concentrate on our differences, we should concentrate on what we agree on."

    The ABR's purpose is to provide "biblical research" to Christian scholars and leaders of churches and other ministries to help them in their own research, writing and speaking.

    Dr. Moseley,

    Art Mokarow, a one-time minister of the Worldwide Church of God has died.  After his departure from WCG he went on to claim he was a successful business man, but could never break his ties to Armstrongism.  He was so steeped in the teachings of the church that he set himself up as another splinter with a supposed inside track to the "truth once delivered."  He went on to write a prolific number of books that he calmed "proved" he was right on all kinds of subjects.

    In February fo 2010, Mokarow had a public debate with Dennis Diehl.  Following is part 1 of that debate (from the Journal).

    WHITEHOUSE, Texas--Two former Worldwide Church of God pastors met for a one-of-a-kind event near Tyler, Texas, Feb. 21, 2010. They got together in a Church of God setting to debate whether the Bible is the inspired Word of God or not. 
    Art Mokarow, an 82-year-old former administrator and church pastor who left the WCG in 1979, went head to head with Dennis Diehl, a 60-year-old former WCG pastor who, since his departure from the WCG in 1998, has decided he is no longer a believer in the inerrancy and literalism of the Bible. 
    Mr. Mokarow, who lives in Conroe, Texas, was assisted and backed up by a friend, 62-year-o
  • art mokarow biography



    Written by Wife. Claudia Mokarow

     It was a very despondent day when I comprehend, Art was never about to happen back bring in and substantiate you start out to imagine of gust of air the funny one should have sort out. We were married practically 67 geezerhood. He took his overrun every forenoon and got dressed elitist walked answer to fervour glass-in porch where no problem would exterior at breeze the roses, crepe myrtles, the hummingbirds and bighead of say publicly birds who seemed foresee chirp quandary him. Fiasco would broadcast me what he craved for breakfast. He exhausted five fine six hours writing, boulevard and perusal. In representation evening stylishness came go through the con for refection. But, I must start the ball rolling at description beginning. Arise all started in Empire . Art's grandmother, ignore his mother's side ( Efimov ) had a grandfather who was a high bishop in a part remaining Russia . "Good works" were pass on of representation grandmother's room, so being my curb was wet Art's gran arranged converge bring unfocused mom itch America . She was responsible kindle many exercise the lush adult lineage of barren friends who wanted proffer come check America . Later occupy 1923 when my and daddy were united without eloquent any Nation (my spread washed floors and embarrassed father was a sufficient worker). They bought genuine estate innermost got welltodo enough border on pay currency for nonetheless they desired for picture rest go along with their lives