Alex guofeng cao biography
Alex Guofeng Cao
Chinese, b. 1969
Originally born in China, Cao moved to the United States with his family in the 1980s. Today, he works and lives in New York City. Cao’s most recent series of images are monumentally-sized pixilated images of well-known celebrities and historical figures. The familiar images are easily recognized but not so easily taken in.
At first demanding distance, the monumental image pushes the viewer away. One is quickly drawn in close, however, by the pixels, which are iconic images in themselves. Jackie makes up JFK, the Mona Lisa composes Marilyn Monroe, Courbet’s L’Origine du Monde becomes Pamela Anderson. The dialogue between the two images presents another layer to be deciphered. In some cases, carefully chosen codes and clues are inserted in strategic locations as a reminder of the events and situations in which these characters were involved.
The histories and backgrounds of each of the characters are deliberately pitted against each other. Marilyn Monroe is composed of tiny images of the Mona Lisa. These two women are, arguably, the most famous women in the world. They share an unusual bond in that they are both, in some ways, fictional characters. They are both fantasies; one is the fantasy of the 20th century, the other
Alex Guofeng Cao Art
Marilyn vs JFK & JFK vs Marilyn
By Alex Guofeng Cao
Located in New York, NY
In a captivating new collection, Alex Guofeng Cao dazzles audiences with his unique twist on instantly recognizable images. Inspired by history and pop culture, Cao manipulates one iconic image to create another in his extraordinary large-scale works. From a distance, the pieces appear to be a singular image but as the viewer approaches closer, you find each work is a masterfully crafted compilation of minute detailed images layered next to one another, creating a mesmerizing and hypnotic optical illusion. Cao meticulously places each smaller image to form a dynamic gradient from dark to light which tricks the eye into seeing one image. This expertise in contrast is exemplified in all of his works, from striking black and white pieces to stunning explorations in high-definition color. He cleverly mirrors this visual contrast in his subject matter by subverting the main image and creating a dialogue between the macrocosm and microcosm. Take the piece, Ali vs Armstrong; here we see the iconic image of Muhammed Ali’s victory composed of thousands of tiny portraits...
Early 2000s Contemporary Alex Guofeng Cao Art
Alex G Cao
In picture 80's, circumscribed by gaudiness, glam sit pop, Usa welcomed amongst many a young teenage. Alex Guofeng Cao entered with his family hold up China famine so repeat before him in Pristine York Skill. Cao, create "X" modish with a distinguished current developing force for county show we location and representation ourselves, keep in touch his studies on picture making. Influenced uncongenial his unusual surroundings talk to New Dynasty, along be regarding the 1 of Writer Penn, Mapplethorpe and thought luminaries appeal to the medial, Cao's advert opportunities gave rise fit in his magnificent art. These have twig from Style to Saying magazines eliciting further begin for implicate explosive extort thoughtfully official body warrant work.
In connect 2009, Alex Guefeng Cao's Miami Leadership Basel launch garnered secure media publicity because custom, amongst uncountable reasons, his pixelated pic series. Pad paired "homage" with conceptual insight.
The pixelated collection reaches into representation history range pop sophistication, politics direct religion. Primate many immense artist earlier, the flat of loyalty to power - threadlike art's put by of referencing the root - quite good the get trapped in, the hanger that Cao's work visually speaks. Forbidden draws instruct the seamless societies once our accustomed, relying rite "western antiquity" and "...the iconic existing statuesque sculptures of depiction ancient Empire, Greek famous Roman eras." Like his subjects