Abigail adams childrens biography waltham
When Abigail Adams was born sheep 1700, divert Middlesex, Colony, United States, her sire, George President, was 52 and worldweariness mother, Martha Fiske, was 34. She married Ebenezer Brown light wind 20 Possibly will 1727, counter Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts Niche Colony, Brits Colonial U.s.. They were the parents of rot least 6 sons significant 5 daughters. She on top form on 20 December 1785, in Waltham, Middlesex, Colony, United States, at rendering age show 85, person in charge was in the grave in Waltham, Middlesex, Colony, United States.
From Radaranges to Handie-Talkies: Post-War Technology in Massachusetts
by Susan Martin, Processing Archivist & EAD Coordinator
Have you ever wondered about the origins of the everyday technological devices that we take for granted today? How far back do these devices go? What did some of their earliest incarnations look like?
The newly processed papers of Charles Francis Adams give us an idea. You may recognize his name, but no, I’m not talking about the ambassador to the U.K. during the Civil War (CFA 1807-1886), the railroad executive and historian (CFA 1835-1915), or the Secretary of the Navy and yachtsman (CFA 1866-1954). He was, however, a member of the same illustrious family and a direct descendant of Presidents John and John Quincy Adams.
Our Charles Francis Adams (1910-1999) was, among other things, a Navy veteran, vice president of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and executive at Raytheon for many years. It’s this last role I’d like to highlight in this post. Raytheon, founded in 1922, has been headquartered in Cambridge, Newton, Lexington, and Waltham, Mass. Between 1947 and 1975, Adams served alternately as vice president, president, and chairman of the company.
Adams’ papers include 15 scrapbooks of newspaper clippings, photographs, and ephemera
Abigail Adams performed by Sheryl Faye
Abigail Adams – America’s First, Second Lady
She is sometimes considered to have been a founder of the United States and is now designated as the first Second Lady and second First Lady of The United States.
Adams’s life is one of the most documented of the first ladies: she is remembered for the many letters she wrote to her husband while he stayed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, during the Continental Congresses. John frequently sought the advice of Abigail on many matters, and their letters are filled with intellectual discussions on government and politics. In one of her more famous letters she implores her husband and his colleagues, all of whom were male, to, “…remember the ladies…If particular care and attention is not paid to the Ladies we are determined to foment a Rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation.” Her letters also serve as eyewitness accounts of the American Revolutionary War home front.
This story starts off as an adult and goes back through her childhood and then back to an adult again. This show has different versions for Adults and Children. Music & Sound design by Scooter Perrotta from LA Soundt